Mad at Spenders, get over it.

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Postby Superior1 » Wed Apr 10, 2013 7:39 am

Magic mike, I'm not very fond of the barbs in the new worlds either. There's some very good upsides I do see to them though.

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Postby Greyhigh » Wed Apr 10, 2013 8:14 am

MyName999 wrote:In classical worlds, these amount of gold could be spent and with a crew of great players making good teamwork, there wasn't a real advantage (the player expansion was just easier and quicker). Now in 1k world, with barb cities, in a 99x99 map, this is really different.

Superior, I agree with you on how gold purchases keep the game running. I am on Android, and we still play on Vanilla maps. I appreciate the gold spenders keeping the game afloat and appreciate running ops on them and taking all the cities they spent so much to obtain. :) BUT.... If the only world options available were a single region grid like the iOs players have, then I could see how these high gold spenders are ruining the game.
Since this is the case now with TBS, Superior, MyName is right. The game has changed, and the new worlds are too small to allow these high spenders to be allowed to grow at a faster than normal rate. Quark should either look more closely at this, or IMO start opening larger worlds of 3x3 or greater to allow frustrated players to feel like they have more of a chance and more options to enjoy the game.
Before TBS came out, I rarely saw complaints about gold spenders. Post TBS release, the complaints are increasing more and more. People are not necessarily complaining that people are spending gold, it's that the smaller worlds make it where there is no longer a balance. If Quark wants to keep these small worlds, and people happy, then they need to randomly create non-gold worlds. I guarantee they would be filled in just a matter of a couple days and the complaints will dwindle. Otherwise, larger worlds need to be added again.

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Postby Superior1 » Wed Apr 10, 2013 8:43 am

Howdy Grey, you actually bring up a good point. 1K worlds are not all we have to choose from, there are 1K worlds designed to be a very fast pace world that ends quickly. Then there are 5K worlds that are designed to take a while to complete. So we have choices on what size of world we want to play.

Now that speed worlds are back we now have the ability to earn our gold again and level the playing field once more. I have earned quite a handsome some of gold in speed worlds and was thrilled to get to throw 3K gold at a world in the 1st week of it. This is a 5K word that I did this in and to tell ya the truth it didn't give me that big of an edge. I still very much so haft to put the work into growing. Gold can only get one so far.

What it comes down to is skill level!

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Postby Greyhigh » Wed Apr 10, 2013 9:57 am

I agree on skill level, just not in 1K worlds. That initial boost in such a small world tips it completely out of balance. Since 1K worlds are so small and quick, perhaps Quark should consider 1K worlds don't allow gold usage, where 5K worlds (and hopefully they bring back vanilla worlds too) do.
Doesn't it cost some sort of payment to join a speed world? I thought it did. If so, then not everyone would want to get the coin to play those worlds. Plus, not everyone in a speed world wins gold. It may be easier for guys like us to win gold, but the majority of Valor players are not us. :)
I used to play iOs since W6, but moved to Android during W75 and W100. Sorry about not realizing there were 5K worlds available. I never was able to play TBS. How many regions are in a 5K world? Thanks

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Postby Aethlstan » Wed Apr 10, 2013 1:56 pm


Lets just say this...TBS gives gold spenders a huge advantage. If you spend lots of gold youre almost guaranteed to win. Back in the good old days (yes, the good old days, 60k worlds) you could be a big spender to cover inactivity, but the hardcore non spenders could still catch up. WITH TBS THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE. In the good old days, the worlds were big enough that even if gold was unbalanced (which it wasnt) there were enough people in the world that if diplomacy worked out could band together and slay the beast. Now, with the way TBS works, thats impossible.


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Postby Superior1 » Wed Apr 10, 2013 3:08 pm

Grey, there are 5 regions in 5K worlds.

Speed worlds do require an entry fee, I have helped train many people to be able to win at speed worlds. In order for them to be able to win Gold without hafting to invest a lot until they get the hang of it.

True the majority of players are not skilled warriors and that's ok, until they are they have 5K worlds to stick with. 1K worlds are set up for the highly skilled players. Some of us are skilled with our knowledge of the game and some with gold. 1K worlds are not for the lesser skilled players.

I am not saying spenders do not have an advantage but I would be highly surprised if Quark said he you guys are right, we do not like money anyways!

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Postby KingEvo » Wed Apr 10, 2013 5:47 pm

leave us gold spenders alone hahahahahha

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Postby DirtySouthATL » Thu Apr 11, 2013 10:10 am

Okay i'm going to jump in here and defend some people because I know who this is aimed at and y'all need to just sit in the corner and hear me out..

First off. The players COMPLAINING about the person with 10 lords in 1 week, were at one point, the ones everyone else complained about until he *who shall remain nameless* came along. You all know who you are because I've been your crown and or in your guild at one point in time. Y'all aren't in this thread, but I know y'all are mad about it.

Second. The people you are complaining about ARE THE NICEST PLAYERS OUT THERE. Good god! Have you ever even talked to them? I'm going to defend the main one because he's like a big teddy bear. He's also an amazing crown that gives his cities away to help his guild grow. He will bend over backwards to help his guild mates. He is NOT selfish and he just wants to play the game like the rest of you. Y'all have made it his personal mission to wipe you out because of how you are behaving in these worlds and on the forums. You are just giving him ammo to come at you.

Third. The other players in his guild that spend gold ARE ALSO NICE GUYS. I won 160 with one of them. Yes, he spends a lot of gold, but he earns that money by working a crappy job 7 days a week. Why wouldn't he spend it? This is his hobby. At least he's not using it to buy crack or heroin with.

Fourth. Yet another large spender owns his own company and is a SUPER nice guy that is also a winner from 160 with my and HE HELPS HIS GUILD out anyway he possibly can. Actually I'll just put this out there, pretty much half of my guild from 160 abuses gold like no ones business, but we are all hard working ADULTS that choose to spend our money on a game that keeps our attention span for longer than 5 minutes.

Last thing to be said. There are SOME HUGE spenders out there that have no clue how to even play the game. If you took their gold from them, they'd be in big trouble. Those are the ones that i laugh at. The ones you guys are complaining about, if you took their gold from them, they could still whoop your behinds in any world.

Just give it a rest..... And yes, I know SEVERAL players saving up TONS of gold for the guild worlds. I however will not be one of those as I only allow myself $20 a week on the game. *Okay i splurged in 100 only because I wanted my academy the first week*. But as a rule i don't let myself go over that amount.

The end
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Postby KingEvo » Thu Apr 11, 2013 10:25 am

I stand by my post leave us gold spenders alone hahahahaha if they made a world without gold I'm pretty sure we would still kick everyone's behind that so called never uses gold. We like to play and play hard get over it hahahaha

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Postby Nikhil21 » Thu Apr 11, 2013 11:16 am

KingEvo wrote:I stand by my post leave us gold spenders alone hahahahaha if they made a world without gold I'm pretty sure we would still kick everyone's behind that so called never uses gold. We like to play and play hard get over it hahahaha

But how do you know that? Ever reached rank one without spending gold?

I couldn't stop myself from posting here lol, this seems to be the ony thing I talk about on these forums. We all understand quark needs gold to keep running, we are not idiots. All people are saying is gold is a huge advantage, and since there is no limit on either the spending of gold, and the amount of things gold can do it makes the game a slight bit unfair.

I want to play with people in a world without gold, see who really is a good player. But I will never know... I would have loved to be part of the tournaments, but sadly reaching rank one in a normal world is not easy. I can always find myself in the top 20, but without gold it isn't easy to reach the top.

I had no idea what the reward was going to be for winning a world, I hoped it would be something special. When I heard about the guild world, all I could think about was a world where all the top players would meet, and have a fair fight and see who really is the best. But that dream was shattered, when I heard that gold was going to be spent. Small gold spenders, a few even good friends of mine were telling me how they plan on spending lots of gold in those worlds, while I now wonder what the point of playing in such a world would be for someone like me who doesn't even spend gold.

I am not here to complain about gold spenders, just here to say I am disappointed. I have been a dedicated valor player for a long time now, but I can't compete with no gold. Don't try to explain how a gold spender can be taken out, how experienced players will always prevail, the clear and simple fact is gold is an advantage. The more you have of it, the bigger the advantage.

I hope for a no gold world sometime, but if it doesn't turn up I wont be disappointed, I know better now.

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