40k City

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40k City

Postby Redmane » Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:54 am

Please explain how someone could have a 40k city in world 237 already? Plus already capping other cities.msonthat means they have had 3 scholars at least fornthe cities they took. Unbelievable!

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Postby ChaosRider » Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:40 pm

Multiple devices or a lot of gold come to mind.

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Postby Nikhil21 » Fri Apr 19, 2013 5:34 am

It's either a big gold spender or it's a big gold spender

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Postby Dieformason » Sun Apr 21, 2013 7:53 pm

It takes about 1,000$ in gold to get a 30kish cities in 3 days. So it's possible, just stupid for a insignificant world.

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Postby chimbinh » Mon Apr 22, 2013 1:37 am

Actually it takes much more than $1000. I did the detail math, trust me I'm asian. It cost about $800 to get to 10k within 24 hours. From 10k to 20k without waiting for resources would cost about $1200. I can do the detail math if anyone is interested.

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Postby MyName999 » Mon Apr 22, 2013 5:35 am

Dieformason wrote:It takes about 1,000$ in gold to get a 30kish cities in 3 days. So it's possible, just stupid for a insignificant world.

It's stupid for a phone game...

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Postby MyName999 » Mon Apr 22, 2013 5:37 am

chimbinh wrote:Actually it takes much more than $1000. I did the detail math, trust me I'm asian. It cost about $800 to get to 10k within 24 hours. From 10k to 20k without waiting for resources would cost about $1200. I can do the detail math if anyone is interested.

I'm always interested in how things goes... I always though that it consisted on buying the basic Queue extenders and Resources boosters, as well as lots of early Bulk resources and Building speedups... But I'm REALLY interested in knowind the exact timing, even if I really enjoy much more going a week in holidays than buying a n°1 place with this amount of money...

So yes, please explain :-D and thx having computed this!

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Postby chimbinh » Mon Apr 22, 2013 6:33 pm

I'm using the cost information using Valor Wiki and a lots are missing so there will be a lot of assumption but should not be too far from reality.

Let's pick a normal build for a 20k city; All resources are bought in 25 Gold pack, 1k each; and All buildings use 1 hour speed up 20 gold (reality speed up cost much more):
CH 25 => 112,010 Wood 126,340 Clay 86,160 Iron => Need 127 Gold Pack of 1k each resources = 3175 Gold and 25 of 1 hour speed up = 500 gold ==> 3675 Gold for CH from 1 to 25.

Forge 20 ==> Not enough information available for Forge, so I will assume it cost a little less than City Hall (require less resources but much more expensive speed up)==> 3200 Gold for Forge from 1 to 20

Academy 1 ==> 15,000 Wood, 25,000 Clay, and 10,000 Iron ==> 625 gold for resoures and 100 gold for 8 hours speedup ==> 725 gold for academy

Barrack 15 ==> not enough information, but should not cost too much ==> 300 gold for barrack 1 to 15

Stable 10 ==> 9800 Wood 9320 Clay 9090 Iron ==> 250 Gold for resources and 200 gold for speed up ==> 450 gold for stable from 1 to 10

Wall 25 (can't expect a 20k city with wall less than 25) ==> 62210 Wood 157800 Clay 25180 Iron ==> 4625 Gold for resources and 500 gold for Speedups ==> 5125 Gold for Wall 1 to 25

So far total gold cost is 3675 + 3200 + 300 + 450 + 5125 = 12750 = about $500 worth of gold.
And these are only the cheap building.Since the 20k city we are assuming does not build up barrack and stable after academy, it must have max resources, Farm 25 and Warehouse 28. I'm just gonna put the total cost to save my time.

Lumber 30 ==> 8600 Gold

Clay 30 ==> 8500 gold

Iron 30 ==> 9350 gold

==> 26450 gold = $1100 worth of gold + previous $500 = $1600 worth of gold.

Please just assume the cost for farm and warehouse is about $400 worth of gold ==> that makes $2000.
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Postby Whitby » Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:33 pm

Yes he spent money he is in my guild in my world he spent money to get that and he had around 13k gold i didn't belive him but he went and bought it all. Do be mad he is more advanced then you.

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Postby Brendone » Tue Apr 23, 2013 12:04 am

I'm not sure of the exact situation but if its after 24 hours there's a more reasonable explanation - you log onto the server with multiple devices (at my house there are 2 iPhones, 2 old iPhones that can still be used on wifi, an iPod and an iPad although my wife would kill me if I was on more than my phone!) spend a little gold on each to quickly boost res production and warehouse capacity in each, and then farm all your other accounts with your main for the resources and just use gold for speed ups. These would probably also be the cities he's capping right away (if you don't mean barbs), they won't be resisting and he'd already have spent the money on them to boost them as he wants them.

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