Let me destroy a city

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Postby Jeheil » Thu Jan 05, 2012 7:59 pm

Even if you did destroy everything. It would be like a 400 step process over many hundreds of hours and it would still be a city in your portal, still alert should it be attacked, still slow down your data stream each time you enter the game/portal etc.

So yes you could drop it to next to nothing for a huge amount of work....but then thats not at all my idea or my suiggestion ! :) !

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Postby Emet » Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:37 am

I think this is a good idea, but the city should keep its level, not revert back to a primitive bar, I think the player who lost the city should be able to take it back as a barb. If you really want the city to be a primitive one, then you can destroy every building as was,previously suggested.

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Postby Valorgamer » Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:12 pm

My opinion on this is you should have a choice when attacking a city, either conquer as u can now or destroy.
Destroying a city would require a new troop type, catapults these would be the third troop type in the workshop, big and bulky would be slow but devastating, would require 5 waves of 100 x (y) catapults to destroy a city complete. Y being the level of the city using the current graphic system on the map, 1= hut, 2= roundhouse, 3 = town, 4= castle, 5= castle with moat. There by making it harder and more time consuming to destroy a larger city.

Lord Kauneonga
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Postby Lord Kauneonga » Thu Jan 12, 2012 6:59 pm

That means that you would have to demolish each building level by level. THat would take a long time. What we need is a pillage and burn option. Send your troops from one of your cities to the one you want to destroy and it takes back the resources and burns the rtown down.

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Postby Valorgamer » Thu Jan 12, 2012 7:15 pm

Not at all catapults would work on the same principle as scholars but u need more of them

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Postby Lordlorian » Fri Jan 13, 2012 3:58 am

In total disagree
But it would be nice to have the ability to abandon a city

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Postby Jeheil » Mon Jan 16, 2012 4:27 pm

I think it should return to a 10k city once you destroy it (leaving it as previous level is pointless...enemy just recaps empty city).
I think you need to have a big pillage button on the demolish page and when clicked its a 72hour countdown or whatever that results in the city being destroyed. During this time loyalty is reduced to 0 so if an enemy can bust your troops its theirs to take and stop the clock.

When it does get returned to barb any supporting troops are returned home and a scholar ticket is given back to the attacker.

This way I dont need 9,000,000 cities to win a war.

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Postby Kausca » Tue Jan 17, 2012 5:49 pm

Tell me what you guys think about this option. Raise the maximum forge level to 25, once you reach level 25 you have the option to raze the city which takes 72 hours. This allows you to get rid of the cities you don't want, and prevents newly captured cities from being immediately destroyed.

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Postby Gilictic » Sun Jan 22, 2012 8:15 am

Another thing is, I want to be able to get my scholar back when I raze the city, or at least kill the scholar. I also see no point in Forge 25. Besides that, I think there should be a limited command cancel too, like only being able to cancel the raze a few hours in.

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Postby Valorgamer » Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:18 am

That's a good idea, I think the scholar would be killed but at least you would retrain one

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