What are Valor's Epic Moments?

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What are Valor's Epic Moments?

Postby PwnLaw » Mon Jan 09, 2012 6:08 pm

Hey folks --

So we were sitting around the Playmesh office earlier today debating what the most epic moments were while playing Valor. I have my own opinions, but I won't taint the response pool with my thoughts. What do you guys think? Ever been a moment when you've given the fist pump of RIGHTEOUS GLORY?


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Postby Akilies » Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:23 pm

I once had a situation where my guild and I were attacking another guild in the same region, so me and a couple other players decide to take the opposing guild members cities. He was a big guy so it took a lot of time and effort. He had a few 40k+ point cities near each other. So I get one, and three more of our members get one as well, but this guy fought back with a guild that was part of their alliance. So he takes the city back from me. Then I fight back also and get it again. At that point I was running low on troop numbers, so he retrieves it once more, then a guild mates gets that city for themself. The fight just went on from there.

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Postby Gidude » Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:55 pm

I have a friend in w27 and he was under attack by an entire guild it was only him that was being attacked too and he stayed awake 72 hours defending his cities no joke :) and he said he killed over 12 million troops :) ... He decided to leave the very next day lol

I am not lieing about this it is the truth I took the words form his mouth lol if you don't believe me look up beijinger on world 27 if he is still around lol he is the leader of the nemesis guild and was getting attacked by collective might :)

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Postby Gidude » Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:59 pm

Oh his kill score as defender is over 14 million points the closest guys to him has less than 6 million :D


Postby PwnLaw » Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:03 am

Akilies wrote:I once had a situation where my guild and I were attacking another guild in the same region, so me and a couple other players decide to take the opposing guild members cities. He was a big guy so it took a lot of time and effort. He had a few 40k+ point cities near each other. So I get one, and three more of our members get one as well, but this guy fought back with a guild that was part of their alliance. So he takes the city back from me. Then I fight back also and get it again. At that point I was running low on troop numbers, so he retrieves it once more, then a guild mates gets that city for themself. The fight just went on from there.

Ugh, I'd hate to be on the losing end of that exchange. Sounds pretty savage.


Postby PwnLaw » Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:04 am

Gidude wrote:I have a friend in w27 and he was under attack by an entire guild it was only him that was being attacked too and he stayed awake 72 hours defending his cities no joke :) and he said he killed over 12 million troops :) ... He decided to leave the very next day lol

I am not lieing about this it is the truth I took the words form his mouth lol if you don't believe me look up beijinger on world 27 if he is still around lol he is the leader of the nemesis guild and was getting attacked by collective might :)

Sweet mother of....

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Postby Gidude » Wed Jan 11, 2012 3:39 pm

One time my guild was about to go to war and I had droped out of my guild to attack an innactive member well while I was out the leader of the enemy guild invited me to his guild??? So I took the invite took a bunch of screen shots of their forum and left I posted those screen shots on my guilds chat room app for all of us to see their plans!!! :) gotta say that is pretty epic.... :)

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Postby Ouweh » Thu Jan 12, 2012 7:07 am

That's not epic, that's nasty...

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Postby Gidude » Sun Jan 15, 2012 5:53 am

How is that nasty? He invited me? Lol so you are saying that being sneaky shouldn't be allowed in wars? You have to do what you can to survive :)

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Postby Nutterboy » Mon Jan 16, 2012 2:05 am

In regards to world 27 and the one guy getting attacked
Beijinger (Are we allowed to name names?) deserved it. It was done to prove a point and the point was proven. Within 48hrs of launching initial attacks a top 20 guild was reduced to a long member. That's a big statement. He is at 17million KSD now I think lol. Still playing after going from 1.6million points to 4cities in under a week.

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