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What does

Postby Bib123 » Tue Jan 10, 2012 3:59 pm

Chaos on the battlefield mean? And how does this become overcome?

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Postby Akilies » Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:07 pm

Chaos means that there are 40 attacks going to that city at one time. This is not a glitch, it's actually a tactic used by players in order to prevent another player from attack there city. Sometimes all you have to do is send 1 troop attacks to a city and eventually reach chaos. And the only way it can be overcome is by waiting for the attacks to land.

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Postby Bib123 » Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:10 pm

Ah kk so they send 1 troop? Why is this rule put in place? It can basically last forever till the game ends?? If there guild is over 35 hours away..

Stark Bledfast
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Postby Stark Bledfast » Wed Jan 11, 2012 11:34 am

It's a dumb strategy, Bib123, used by dying guilds trying to prevent the inevitable. It is a strategy meant to keep the hounds at bay, when all it really does is force the attackers to wait, stockpiling their attacking resources which just makes them stronger.

Take heart though; to use this strategy effectively requires a lot of vigilance and patience. Not only do you have to send 40 attacks per city that you want to protect, you must do this after every attack wave that hits. I have yet to see this strategy survive more than a week without a mental error that leaves a city out of chaos long enough to send enough attack waves to conquer it.

Just check the city every so often. And when an attack goes through, send a few extra "dummy" attacks just in case you don't end up taking the city and need extra time to conquer it. Those dummy attacks will keep the enemy from being able to fully chaos the city up, and when your dummy attacks hit and clear you can send in your next wave(s) of attacks.

Hopefully Playmesh clears this issue up in the near future. Because it is really dumb and, in my opinion, harms the game as a whole. But as long as loopholes exist, some people will exploit them.

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Postby Shrek » Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:25 pm

So people are unable to attack you if you have 40 outgoing attacks? Thats just ridiculous-.- FIX NOW PLAYMESH! xD

Stark Bledfast
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Postby Stark Bledfast » Thu Jan 12, 2012 8:24 am

No. People are unable to attack a city that has 40 incoming attacks.

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Postby Bib123 » Fri Jan 13, 2012 1:55 am

Its still stupid.. It's been about a month now and still chaos.. The fact is he can still attract us but we can't attack him.. Just the stupidest thing to ever hit valour

Stark Bledfast
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Postby Stark Bledfast » Fri Jan 13, 2012 12:16 pm

He can attack you because you aren't in chaos. Have someone in your guild leave your guild, send 40 attack waves at you, then rejoin. Voila, instant attack protection!

For maximum benefit, have it be someone from very far away; preferably in the 70-100 hour range by way of ram or ballista. Have them send only 1 ram or ballista per attack wave. You don't want to take any damage, just to fill your incoming attack counter.

And yes, this is very stupid. It's a very dumb sort of thing to do, in my opinion. But hey, it's currently legal and people are employing it. This is the sort of thing that might just have to break the game (ie., *everyone* does it) before it is fixed. I hope not, but I also have no intention of going into a fight playing by rules that my opponent doesn't. That's a good way to end up in a pool of your own blood.

*slight edit by Orlor


Postby Orlor » Fri Jan 13, 2012 12:44 pm

The Chaos mechanic is still one we are looking into. We are currently looking at a few different ways we can modify it in order to prevent people from sending out trains of 1 ram.

Any suggestions that you have regarding how we could change would be very helpful.

Stark Bledfast
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Postby Stark Bledfast » Fri Jan 13, 2012 1:58 pm

Wow, don't even like that word? :) Bit overly strict in my opinion, but no worries.

Suggestions... other that removing the limit completely? First, I guess, I'd need to know why the 40 attack limit is in place. I assume the limit is there for either hardware purposes or aesthetics; ie., either Playmesh was having a problem with overload on their servers with people sending spam attacks, or players were using spam attacks as a way to confuse, and annoy, other players... ie., you'd log into your city and see 300 attacks at one of your cities, you'd click the down carrot to see when the attacks would hit and, 20 minutes later, your list would stop scrolling.

In the case of the former, not much to be done. In the case of the later, a better display would easily fix it (and then the limit could be removed). On the main city page with the carrots just display the nearest 5 or 10 attack times. If you go into the rally screen then you can segment movement by page... say 20 attacks per page, sorted by arrival time. This would be easy to plow through and disabling an enemy city through sheer spam would be removed.

If the limit will absolutely not be removed (and let's face it, raising the limit wouldn't matter. If people have the time to send 40 attacks per city to chaos a guild member, then they have the time to send 100 attacks per city to choas them. Or 200, etc. The limit wouldn't matter)...

One possible solution would be to create a sort of ad hoc rule set (this is messy so follow along carefully)...

First, we say that you can not attack a city that is owned by a guildmate... Fair enough, this rule actually already exists. Neat!

Next, when a player joins a guild we say that any city that they own can not be under attack by their (now) guild mates. This would be part of the joining a guild code... when a player joins the code grabs their city data and looks to see if any of their new guild mates have attacks sent to any of their cities. If so, "oh no!" We either change the attacks to support, or the attacks are cancelled automatically and they turn around and start marching back to their home city.

Now.. the above code is *only* triggered during a guild join. If 2 guild mates each attack the same city, and the first one conquers it, the second will still attack it. Why? Because the first guild mate did not leave and rejoin the guild upon conquering the city, so this bit of code was never triggered.

It's a bit of a hack, I admit. But it's about all I can think of to work around this. Some possible problems with it:

1. It will encourage people to do chaos not with their own guild, but with their sister guild. Granted, it is more difficult as sister guild communication is usually a lot worse than in-guild communication. But this would get around the above code.

2. It will encourage people to leave their guilds and be "guildless" guild members. Ie., a member in all but game code. While guildless their guild could chaos them until the cows come home. The drawback to this strategy would be that there would be no easy way to tell that they are a part of a guild so all other guilds might decide that they are easy pickings. Yes, they are still chaosed, but it might encourage more guilds to start hovering. As well, while guildless it will mean communication between the player and the guild will be difficult and disjointed.

Another possible addition to the above would be to put limits on leaving/joining a guild. Perhaps when you leave a guild you must wait 2-3 days to join another guild. Perhaps you can join a guild for free, but joining another guild costs resources (perhaps equal to 15% of the maximum holdings of your combined cities... ie., 10 cities with max warehouses would be 5 million resource capacity, and 15% would be 750k of each resource... Some pot could be created that you could dump funds into it until you hit your cost and then you could be allowed to join a new guild).

Basically some mechanism that slows down or prevents people from leaving/joining guilds rapidly, as this is the current flavor of the day for entering into chaos.

Like I said, everything has benefits and drawbacks. Balancing them, or deciding when a benefit outweighs a drawback, is for those that make the big bucks.

Good luck. :)

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