What you like and dislike about Valor

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What you like and dislike about Valor

Postby [C]antTouchMe » Tue Jan 17, 2012 5:52 am

Post what you like and dislike about valor here :)

For me I like it's strategic element and unlike other games of it's kind, Valor has a stronger real time strategy element in it. And also the possibilty to die in this game( which recently happened to me) is pretty cool.
But I dislike how when all of a sudden you have some extra free time and you can't use it to speed up your progress in valor

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Postby mayodone » Tue Jan 17, 2012 6:55 pm

I enjoy taking cities and building. I don't like the crashing, which is happening to me lately. I never had these problems before what happened?

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Postby [C]antTouchMe » Wed Jan 18, 2012 5:27 am

Hmm Im not sure. I do experience crashes here and there but it was happening alot the day before yesterday

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Postby Gilictic » Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:18 am

It really depends on what type of device you have, doesn't it. My iPod 4G is pretty stable, especially if you force close everything else. My issue is the touch delay and lag.

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Postby Tim » Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:26 am

Hi Guys,

Thanks for the feedback about crashing on your device. We are going to be releasing an update in the next few days that will make the game much more stable. We would appreciate it if you can keep us updated. Thanks for your understanding, and let us know at http://playmesh.zendesk.com if you need any support.

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Postby Skippyflapjacks » Thu Jan 19, 2012 2:33 pm

I hope this clears up the map loading issues as well. Everyone i know, including myself are having map problems. Reinstalling is only a temp fix and it starts to happen all over again within a day, so annoying!!!

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Postby TheGhost » Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:01 am

I looked sunsets and long walks on the beach

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Postby TheGhost » Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:02 am

Turn offs include grey text on brown backgrounds

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Postby Adagio » Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:33 am

To come back to the subject, I personally like the units. In many other games they pointlessy multiply their numbers to hide the lack of features. In Valor, you have just what's needed, and moreover each unit has a real use, and never become obsolete (at least in the world where I'm playing. When unit levelling is allowed, maybe that's different). And the balance betweem them is just perfect. I like the fact that a weak player is still able to annoy a big one, just by building hordes of lancers and sentries.

I also like the real-time aspect of the game, including the idle time. I had never played a game of that type, I must say it's a unique experience compared to a classical one.

I don't like the map. Too slow, graphically poor, not zoomable, hardly scrollable etc.. I think that's the area of the game that needs improvements in priority. Apart of fixing glitches and bugs, of course. But on my side I must say I have almost no problem.

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Postby Gilictic » Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:55 pm

I haaaaaate the slowness. Especially when it hardly responds to your touch when you tap anything. Even worse when I'm on the go. Otherwise, it's great.

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