GAME SPEED ------ PLEASE PLEASE sort this out

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GAME SPEED ------ PLEASE PLEASE sort this out

Postby WalBanger » Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:03 am


I have sent a few support tickets but NEVER EVER get a reply to this, so im here on the forums, and to me should be the number 1 priority (not fancy new village graphics, or adding scroll buttons somewhere else, etc) this is the basic game play.

I love this game but im thinking of leaving simple because i cant spend enough time on it.... (and no i dont mean that in a good way)

I have 100 citys and i can NOT look at ever city each day i tired it once and this is what i wanted to do in each city:-
1) Check City Hall is building or not
2) Check Baracks are building armys

After 4hrs i Gave up half way through.....

Also sending attacks to enemy players (or just looking at there details)is sooooooooo long........
Every time i click on a players name it takes about 1 minute of refreshing before i can click anything else again, then when i pick one of there citys it takes another miute to refresh on that page before i can click send troops.....
So if you add that up if i want to send 100 citys it takes me 200miutes to do that (and thats not counting accidently clicks)

Once i have clicked send troops its ok, that part is fairly fast 4-10seconds.

Also when under attack it is almost impossible to know which citys are under attack, again you have to pick a city and then wait a miunte so it to refresh then click refresh again because it dosnt always show up the attacks 1st time........
So you have to hope you know which city is most likly they are attacking and select them 1st and hope its them, i have lost 3 citys recently because i could not find the attacks over a 2day period of looking.

If you dont know about this problem i am willing to video it for you and send you a link so you can see the nightmare we as players are going through (but i cant believe you dont know about this problem).

P.S i have Iphone 4, ios5 and this problem is same Wireless (20MB Broadband that can handle gaming online easy) or 3G

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Postby WalBanger » Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:10 am

I just timed it and it takes 42seconds to do the following 2button presses:-
Scout report already open:-
1) click on city name (under defenders name)
2) Click Send troops

ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and i have to do that 100 times now!!!!!!!!


Postby Orlor » Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:13 am

That is way longer then normal for those two actions alone.

Direct support is not available via the forums but only through our support system. You stated you contacted them already and have not received a response. What are the ticket numbers for those? All support tickets do get responded to and I will look into why yours didn't further.

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Postby WalBanger » Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:01 pm

Hmmm you might think this is not normal but it is....
everyone is complaining about it in game guild forums....

cant remember the ticket number, it was that long ago... ill see if i can go find it

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Postby WalBanger » Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:14 pm

Do you know what i appoligise.... i just looked and they had been responded to, its just my 1st ticket got a reply via email my last 3 (on different things) have NOT sent me an email......

The answer on the tickets were, Yes we know speed is bad but the speed will be better in the next patch (V1.6.9) yes that was 29th July and im still waiting lol
Also again in Oct wasnt answered till December asking if i still had same problems now (but i only just seen as no email)....

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Postby AceDragon » Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:39 pm

Can you, Playmesh. Just get the game running smoothly before you change anything else. This should be number one priority than changing. Little pictures or adding the word, keep. Or what ever change in the looks in the game.
Honestly the refresh rate sucks. It takes way too much time and the fun out of the game.
I also agree. Everyone complains in the game forums that this is a major issue and I know lots of people that have quit due to this.


Postby Orlor » Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:50 pm

We have an entire team working to make Valor a better game. The people who add the pictures and words are different from the ones tracking down some bugs. This is how both are able to happen for each new version release.

That being said there are people looking into the refresh rate issues.

If you are having any sort of issues with Valor please contact our support team. The resulting answer might be that the issue is being looked into, but each support ticket is tracked for issue type and this helps us gauge how widespread that particular issue is.

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Postby WalBanger » Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:55 pm

Ya i have an attack incoming now and i have NO idea where its from or where to, and to behonest, ive given up caring cause it will anoy the hell out of me if i spend time doing it.......So im turning the game off and going on something else as i dont want to spend next 1-2hrs looking for it (30minutes if im lucky and i guess one at risk on the front line).... ill just wait to see what city i lose and then ill know....... :(

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Postby AceDragon » Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:57 pm

Good because also honestly. The issue of refresh and memory has steadily gotten worse.

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Postby WalBanger » Thu Jan 26, 2012 7:36 am

Just bought the iphone4s to speed this game up (yes it annoys me that much that I went and bought a new phone).....
It now takes 31seconds to do the above 2 actions.....

That's a brand new top of the range fastest phone and a clean install......

I can't see how you guys don't have this problem???? If you dont then it must be something to do with your servers or something..... Maybe there is a bad line between where ur servers are and the rest of the world???? Worth looking into maybe???

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