GAME SPEED ------ PLEASE PLEASE sort this out

General topics and discussion on Valor.
Stark Bledfast
Posts: 222
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Postby Stark Bledfast » Thu Jan 26, 2012 10:22 am

It's not just you, WalBanger. Things are slow, very slow. It hasn't reached my "too slow to play" threshold, but it's slow.

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Postby AceDragon » Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:20 pm

Walbanger. I have this game on three different devices. IPhone 4 is the slowest has 615 cities
iPhone 3GS is the fastest but it has 8 cities and almost no problems
iPod 2nd gen second fastest but has 1 city
All devices have the latest update and hd valor with latest update

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Postby AceDragon » Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:35 pm

Oh an the iPhone 4 has all the problems you can think of. In the game

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Postby WalBanger » Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:23 pm

Sorry if this is turning into a ranting post but now I have 70 incoming attacks and I can only find 20 going to bed

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Postby TheLordKing » Thu Jan 26, 2012 8:36 pm

What I find this: a lot player start quit play Valor when they have 10-40 city which when they have a lot city, it require a lot time to look after. The refresh rate for the game should be highest priority. I can see that Support team member play Valor on different device to find error or test, but do they play with 100-200 cities like us? If their main job is debug or test the game, then they won't have time to play the game as a player have hundred cities.
Most those device Valor support team has, won't be 100+ cities.

Yes when we have a lot cities, it will require more time. Valor can develop the game by:
[INDENT][/INDENT]player can choose Reports type: what type report they want in mailbox, others will auto deleted. (i understand ATM we can view different type report by choose).
Have "Select All" button, if player want deleted all the report.

Easy warehouse management, so player don't need visit all his city to buy scholarship, they can send resources to a High-End BANK, from their, they can buy scholarship. Scholar still need be educated at different city.
Hing-End Bank can have storage Capacity: 5Million Each units per resource, 10M, 20M,50M, 100M. They need required a lot resource to built or Bank slot can be bought by "Gold".

If player have more time to play (other than wait city refresh, or resource management). They can start more war, or guild war. In that way, a lot player will use "Gold" buy "Truce", "Instant Spy" "Reveal Incoming Troops" etc. Valor will sell more "Gold".

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Postby WalBanger » Fri Jan 27, 2012 6:29 pm

All lost 17 city's due to not knowing where was under attack until some started to hit....... I really think I'll leave for a week, come back and see what I have left and see if I can be bothered carrying on...

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Postby BabybackChamp » Thu Feb 02, 2012 7:22 am

Dude... Quit complaining you have 100+ cities how the heck did you think this was going to work out???? Your playing a game on a freaking phone. Can only have so much awesomeness. The only solution they should do is make is a pc website as well. Because your crappy little phone with it's crappy processor and memory are not going to be able to handle it. Get 20-30 quality cities you can keep tabs on... Instead of having 100+ cities that you can't manage because you don't have the time.

*Edited by Orlor

Stark Bledfast
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Postby Stark Bledfast » Thu Feb 02, 2012 10:01 am

BabybackChamp: Umm, correct me if I'm wrong, but the stated goal of the game is to "conquer." While the design does lead to incredible frustration and significant expenditures of time doing repeated tasks as you grow bigger, I do not believe that telling people to stop getting bigger is a reasonable solution. Because, again, the game's goal is to conquer the world. Hard to do with only 20-30 cities.

As well, to defeat an enemy you have to take all of their cities. Since there is no destroy option, the only way to do this completely is to capture them. Since there is no way to abandon a city once captured, it is going to increase your size.

So while your response is workable for the short term, I do not feel it is in the best interest of the game. It would be better that the interface be tweaked to allow larger players to manage their cities easier, thus encouraging players to grow in size and continue to play. I do not think it does anyone any good to chase away players as they get big.

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Postby WalBanger » Thu Feb 02, 2012 5:01 pm

@Babybackchamp....... i dont know where to start with that post..... i just hope your joking...
1) as Stark says you CONQUER the world... not take a few citys and then quit?? and im pretty sure thats not what the creators of this game wanted....
2) iphone4s does not have a crappy CPU and memory... I presume you know nothing about technology and thats why you gave that comment, so im sorry about your lack of knowledge on the topic you spent time commenting on, so all i ask is go away and do some reasearch what you would need, spec wise, to run this kind of game (i would imagine nothing more than a ZX spectrum)...
3) I am getting battered by everyone (hense why im number 1 in the world for defence score) yet i am only ranked 149 in the wolrd overall.... so i know im a ***ody..... but thanks for reminding me how useless i am, i appriciate it!!

but thanks for your very helpful comments ill take them onboard........

ANYWAY on a serious note i have gone and tried world 5 again (which I had to stop playing in because of no time) which also has over 100citys………. And it runs a HELL of a lot faster…

Now is this because there is old code lieing around in world 3?
Os ot because its running on an older server/weaker?
or is it because im not attacking or being attacked in world 5?
Or is it because I am doing nothing with the citys and the resources are maxed out (not counting) anymore??

*Edited by Orlor (Please keep the text size normal, no need for giant text)


Postby Orlor » Thu Feb 02, 2012 6:01 pm

I really like the discussion going in this thread so please don't make me close it due to @person and insults.

I would like to hear from anybody else who might play in world 3 also about how it runs for them.

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