GAME SPEED ------ PLEASE PLEASE sort this out

General topics and discussion on Valor.
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Postby AceDragon » Sat Feb 04, 2012 5:09 pm

I play in world 3 as well. I experience all the problems I have stated as well as Walbanger has stated.
I was actually going to ask the same question he did. About older worlds not being updated properly or old servers or what not.

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Postby AceDragon » Sat Feb 04, 2012 5:13 pm

Let me add this. I was having all the issues with Valor HD. Regular Valor doesn't have the same amount of problems but most of the time it restarts the game and I have to refresh all the portal pages as well as scrolling threw all the cities to refresh. With 600+ cities this takes a long time to do and to do it over and over again is just not worth it to play.

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Postby Pike7453 » Tue Feb 14, 2012 12:16 pm

Delete the game from your phone and reinstall it. You won't lose anything and your refreshing rates are lightning fast again

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Postby Seaking4 » Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:24 am

I also play on W3 and have 250 + cities, it is slower to respond when you're either attacking or being attacked especially as it's an 'Older' world the players there are more experianced in playing the game and tend to send out larger numbers of attacks. I recently had a memory warning on the phone when i logged into the game (I'm using an iphone 4 1G) telling me i only had 3 meg to use as storage, i deleted about 50 tunes to free up some space and the game runs much faster and smoother now, so maybe that could help you a bit Walbanger.


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Postby Wrecking » Mon Feb 20, 2012 2:40 pm

It will get looked into. Don't worry

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Postby WalBanger » Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:14 am

Cheers seaking4.... But my phone isn't even half full, now I have upgraded to 32gb iPhone 4s...

But Its still as slow as ever.

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Postby Blitzcraig » Tue Mar 13, 2012 8:09 pm

I am in w10 and having the same issues with 230 cities. If the issues weren't there I would dedicate more time to the game. In fact I would be in the 500+ city range. But I go through my cities and get past 10 and close this app and play another game. If it wasn't for my stubbornness I would have quit this game a long time ago. This is a good game. Summer of 2011 there was a update that fixed these problems. Then 2 weeks later there was a update and then it got worse again. I don't remember the update or when it was.

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Postby WalBanger » Thu May 10, 2012 6:39 pm

Well finaly back to this game and it still has same problems in reguards speed.......... even with the new updates and uninstalling the game and reinstalling several times.....

Im same as you Blitzcraig, i buy about 10-20 citys worth of scholars and then close the game, fed up and bored :(

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