Pre-TBS Worlds

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Postby runatme » Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:55 pm

you say you remember me from a vague message from worlds I was never In and you have twisted that into you somehow beating me ..wake up clown me This isn't bravado ..

talk to the other guild masters some know me they can tell you my bite is a lot worse then my bark ..

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Postby LordFirefall » Mon Feb 17, 2014 8:22 pm

Still unimpressed.
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Postby Chinooks » Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:37 pm

LOL I know both of you! As for honor in old worlds I would have to agree with the majority.

In w1 there was a player, TVN, that was left out of war while she was providing hospice care to her dying father and was left alone until she was ready to come back. That same world had a player die from cancer and his wife and daughter got in game and messaged the crown. That message went out to all crowns on all sides of the war and his cities were left alone in memorium. New worlds players will attack when they here you are in berievement!

And just because we were in old worlds doesn't me we haven't moved on to new worlds and we don't know how to win. Lordbigdaddy, Tezza, crusader, liar leah, amarandith, vman, LQPQ and others are from w1 and run has played with some. Go to my friends from w3 and you should recognize more: seaking, eyemon2u2, tjippen, mtnbiker, kawn, Shabuza, flamegoddess, nomisundrider, Thor, jacobinlost, ice007, again run you have played with them.

Funny in newer worlds when I'm given rumors about players I have known for 4 years. So I may be a dinosaur but I know who I trust and back anyone that has been honorable to me. Have been reconnected to some after a few years that redownload valor. Would be a shame to lose those worlds they were all w1-13

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Postby Aethlstan » Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:25 pm

Yeah I can see why that would suck. Again, Im biased because i abandoned/switched at the same time i think its a little too sentimental. If we want that same style of play, the 60k worlds etc...well unfortunately the old worlds might just be taking up the resources needed for us to have that same gameplay again.

W1, i vaguley remember the cancer situation. Yeah good luck with that happening again. I didnt really start crowning until I had played in a few worlds, so I wasnt really involved in the politics of w1...I wasnt a serious player at the time. So Ill have to take your word for it. My first crown was around w10 sometime. World name might ring a bell if I heard it. I think a little before. Even then everyone was super nice and helped the noob crown out, great allies. Now adays if youre a noob crown... good luck haha. I try to pay it forward (the friendliness of those players) with noob crowns I meet. But usually they are so easily manipulated and theres alrrady someone at their ear tenderizing them and their guild for conquest. Name of the game kind of but still...

ach. There I go rambling again. sorry

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Postby MyName999 » Fri Feb 21, 2014 5:20 am

Why so much blabla... These old worlds are still pleasing some. And the ones that don't like to play there any more just have to quit (oh yes, abandoning is disabled ???, no problem just don't enter until Quark fix this huge impossible problem).

Nowadays technologies allow to let it all opened, as new TBS worlds close quickly once won (oh, yeah, I think GW2 will be opened for decades too :-D). New players pay lots on quick k worlds, so ask Quark to buy 1 more server for all theses worlds, I think they can double their capacity with our money now ahaha and let the inital Valor's worlds alive for the ones wanting it.

I myself, sometimes, am sad having quitted them all. But as I'm a 1-world man (expect for my tools's tries)...

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Postby Aethlstan » Fri Feb 21, 2014 11:21 am

Good point i guess. However theres only a few worlds that seem to be active. As of the last time i was in them. A few years ago. And even then surely theres not more than 500 of the original 60k players still playing

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Postby LordFirefall » Fri Feb 21, 2014 11:34 am

Closer to 20-30 in many.
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Postby Aethlstan » Fri Feb 21, 2014 1:55 pm

Ah. Numbers have gone down even further. So the world is barely active. Im not saying "shut them down!" but I would say go for it if Quark comprimised and started doing 60ks again

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Postby Aethlstan » Fri Feb 21, 2014 1:56 pm

Ach. spelling. That being said, i dont know how much these old worlds bog down the system

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Postby Ednolb » Thu Jun 12, 2014 8:31 pm

Nooks, couldn't have said it better! World 6 is just fading out but my guild was in war for years. Established relationships with enemy and even knew what enemy not to attack as they were not a threat/just cleaning the map for fun and we respected that. We also have one player who has been capped out for years but remains in the guild as a 0 point player out of respect for his name of all he did early war incase the worlds ever do close. I came back to the world after missing a year and my mates helped me get back on my feet remembering me from the year prior. I know where these people live, about their families, ect. It's a little family and I trust them fully. And when I do run into them in a new 1k I know they are trustworthy over anyone else.

I'm proud to be a dinosaur. Not many can say they've played as long as us.

Chinooks wrote:LOL I know both of you! As for honor in old worlds I would have to agree with the majority.

In w1 there was a player, TVN, that was left out of war while she was providing hospice care to her dying father and was left alone until she was ready to come back. That same world had a player die from cancer and his wife and daughter got in game and messaged the crown. That message went out to all crowns on all sides of the war and his cities were left alone in memorium. New worlds players will attack when they here you are in berievement!

And just because we were in old worlds doesn't me we haven't moved on to new worlds and we don't know how to win. Lordbigdaddy, Tezza, crusader, liar leah, amarandith, vman, LQPQ and others are from w1 and run has played with some. Go to my friends from w3 and you should recognize more: seaking, eyemon2u2, tjippen, mtnbiker, kawn, Shabuza, flamegoddess, nomisundrider, Thor, jacobinlost, ice007, again run you have played with them.

Funny in newer worlds when I'm given rumors about players I have known for 4 years. So I may be a dinosaur but I know who I trust and back anyone that has been honorable to me. Have been reconnected to some after a few years that redownload valor. Would be a shame to lose those worlds they were all w1-13

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