Does anyone at Quark care?

If you are playing Valor on Android, this is the place to post.
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Postby MyName999 » Wed May 07, 2014 5:44 am

SirBlazeALot420 wrote:Now that Mac supports windows it should be much easier to fix these problems without having to throw a lot of money at it. I would hope that this new development would have the guys taking another look at these fixes to increase game player numbers.

Uh ? What ?

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Postby ThatValorPlayer » Thu May 08, 2014 9:24 pm

Does android have the city list one the left to quickly navigate between different cities? Or do you still need to scroll each one?

From memory this was a major inconvenience. Of all the features this one is perhaps the most important.

Sure would be great to have a definitive answer as to whether any coding will be done for android again. Either way.
┏( -_-)┛..::LtFarrk::..┗(-_- )┓


Postby Orlor » Fri May 09, 2014 12:24 pm

ThatValorPlayer wrote:Sure would be great to have a definitive answer as to whether any coding will be done for android again. Either way.

Absolute answers are unfortunately something I am unable to provide when it comes to what features etc will be coming out in the future. Are Android only updates a possibility in the future? Yes . We are currently working on some stuff that impact both iOS and Android players.

With any changes now to Valor those are only announced right before they are released. This is to make sure that features we talk about will actually be released. A recent example of that would be the mass scholarship buy feature.

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Postby cattiebrie » Mon May 12, 2014 11:57 pm

Orlor this is the same exact message that was posted in a different thread a few years ago to us. All new updates coming out are for ios and Android. When will android users be at least semi equal to ios users?

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Postby Angelsdie2 » Sat Jun 07, 2014 10:14 pm

MuffinSlayer wrote:Where to begin... The more I play this game the more in becomes apparent that being on an android is a huge handicap. So I'm going to begin to make a list.
1) The inability to scroll through more than 10-20 cities without the game completely crashing and having to reboot.
2) Major issues during large guild ops that require me to have a shortcut that leads into valor settings so that I can "Force Stop" the game during a crash (During a normal op I am required to "Force Stop" the game every 10-15 min at the very least.
3) Major map issues. I just watched an iOS player and it was like I was watching a completely different game. They can zoom? Wow, incredible. Comparing an iOS map to an android map is similar to comparing a modern map to a map of the world that was made in the year 1500. The information is kinda mostly there, but lets be honest... you cannot navigate nearly as well.
4) Inability to request guild/accept iOS players requesting my guild. This isn't even difficult to program, how has it not been integrated yet?
5) Construction mode. Just found out iOS has that, seems cool. Just another feature that makes it harder on android.
6) Attack notifications. Its awesome that I have to load up a game that is constantly crashing to see if I need to force stop and start calling for support while waiting for someone to send me a guild invite.
7) Seeing a picture that confirms whether the city is a Lord City or a Barbarian City. Another major inconvenience. I have to go and center each city on a map before I know if its Lord or Barbarian.
8) Medals. Purely aesthetic, if other players get them than why shouldn't android.
These are all the major issues that make this game all but unplayable for android. It makes guilds not want to accept players who play on android and is causing profit for you guys to be sent to other games. If I don't see a change to this than I will be removing it from my phone and I will take my money elsewhere.

This is all factual information. Does Quark not have a couple guys in the office testing this on a Android device? What is the progress with the Valor team improving and fixing these bugs??

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Joined: Mon Aug 11, 2014 11:31 am

Postby KillerKoz » Mon Aug 11, 2014 12:30 pm

The above list covers most of the issues I have with the Android version of the game. The other major one i have is this:

For support in game, please go to:
Portal > Gear icon ( Upper right of the screen) > Help > Support > Mail Icon

Does not exist

Posts: 475
Joined: Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:26 pm

Postby MyName999 » Mon Aug 18, 2014 5:48 am

KillerKoz wrote:The above list covers most of the issues I have with the Android version of the game. The other major one i have is this:

For support in game, please go to:
Portal > Gear icon ( Upper right of the screen) > Help > Support > Mail Icon

Does not exist

That's the funny explaination why Quark doesn't evolve the Android version: they have NO support demand sent from it.
So maybe Quark think the Android version is perfect? ;-D

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