guild masters

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guild masters

Postby cattiebrie » Tue May 13, 2014 12:04 am

Are there any android guild masters? Our guild masters I here are able to speak for us members. I truly hope that there is at least one if not a couple who are android players. If not then we as android members have no one to speak on our behalf. And we will never have any say in the direction of anything to do with our beloved game.


Postby Orlor » Tue May 13, 2014 11:29 am

All feedback on the forums is looked at and taken into consideration.

So anytime you want to let us know anything make a post and it will be read.

The GM's are one way we receive feedback and these forums are another way.

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Postby MyName999 » Wed May 14, 2014 5:30 am

cattiebrie wrote:Are there any android guild masters? Our guild masters I here are able to speak for us members. I truly hope that there is at least one if not a couple who are android players. If not then we as android members have no one to speak on our behalf. And we will never have any say in the direction of anything to do with our beloved game.

I know at least one guildmaster that changed his iPhone for an Android device, so yes, there is (maybe are) guildmaster on Android...

On another way, guildmaster have been elicted. So there's nothing that would have evicted Android players from being guildmasters

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Postby Huntyoudown » Wed May 14, 2014 9:37 pm

I believe there is 2 or 3 on android.
I'm not exactly sure who. I think superior1 might be.

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