Guild World 10 Info

General topics and discussion on Valor.

Guild World 10 Info

Postby Orlor » Tue Jun 10, 2014 2:08 pm


We are changing the max population and guild size for the upcoming Guild World 10.

GW10 Stats:

Max Population : 500 players

Guild Size : 25 members


Q: Why are we changing the guild size?

A: The last of the 5k world winners are participating in GW9 right now so all players for GW10 will be from 1k worlds. Since all players are coming from worlds with 25 member guilds we are making it so that same group can win the guild world.

Q: Why are we changing the max population?

A: To keep the ratio for Guilds to players the same as in the last few Guild Worlds.

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Postby Benfrom300 » Tue Jun 10, 2014 2:21 pm

Very nice. Hopefully gw10 won't be won by people that refuse to play the game the way it was intended to be played.

I do hope that by the time it comes out barb flipping will be an exploit of the past.
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Postby fortheLOVE » Tue Jun 10, 2014 3:24 pm

this is valor. there will always be glitches. some to be exploited, some that are resolved by "putting a larger time buffer(snipe gap) between your scholars so the appropriate player captures the city".

this is the valor way.

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Postby Sreusch » Tue Jun 10, 2014 4:03 pm

This is not the game it use to be. Glitches are being exploited to no end, it's a simple fix that quark refuses to fix. That is not the valor way. Maybe look up the definition of valor. A lot are leaving this game since these won't get fixed in the favor of the big gold spenders. I myself probably will also. There is no point to play a game that doesn't even play up to it's oun name

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Postby eR0ck » Tue Jun 10, 2014 7:19 pm

Registered just to state my humble opinion and that being; Purchasing of gold definitly gives an unfair advantage in GW when opponents seem to have unlimited capital certainly spending it accordingly. Winning a gw should be about time, effort and skill put forth, not how big wallet is really barbs are bought not won. Furthermore as they say there is no honor among thieves especially when concerning A Creed. It seriously takes away a good chunk of fun playing this epic game im at a spot now myself where do not wanna play any gw's and sucks because that is what's planned for. Know for a fact many others feel same so I come forth. Realize this being something quark is not oblivious too further it's a company for profit. That said hoping there could be a win-win situation in all this without necessarily losing bottom line. Thanks for hearing me out and appreciate your time on this issue.
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Postby fortheLOVE » Tue Jun 10, 2014 8:36 pm

that was solid sarcasm by the way. I'm quite unimpressed.

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Postby Infusion » Tue Jun 10, 2014 9:43 pm

Please dont give up on this game just yet... The Valor community recognizes their is indeed a flaw. The Guild Masters group is working hard with Quark in resolving the biggest ones im the game to get his back to the way it was. A game of honor skill and courage... VALOR.

If we want the glitches to not be exploited... Dont exploit them. If you find others exploiting the game mechanics. Let the crown of that guild know. All of the guildmasters have agreed to not allow the use of exploits within their guilds. Except for Lollipop. If you come across a guild like lollipop. Just leave and move on to the next world. If a guild wants to continue to use garbage exploits Then let them fight themselves. If the rest of the world plays within the spirit of the game the way it was intended to be played. We can have fun until the game mechanics is fixed within the code as well.

There are 30 Guildmasters. Only one wont agree to this pact. Lots of competition to play against with fair play.

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Postby fortheLOVE » Tue Jun 10, 2014 10:57 pm

Fix that floating clock!

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Postby MyName999 » Wed Jun 11, 2014 2:28 am

Infusion wrote:Please dont give up on this game just yet... The Valor community recognizes their is indeed a flaw. The Guild Masters group is working hard with Quark in resolving the biggest ones im the game to get his back to the way it was. A game of honor skill and courage... VALOR.

If we want the glitches to not be exploited... Dont exploit them. If you find others exploiting the game mechanics. Let the crown of that guild know. All of the guildmasters have agreed to not allow the use of exploits within their guilds. Except for Lollipop. If you come across a guild like lollipop. Just leave and move on to the next world. If a guild wants to continue to use garbage exploits Then let them fight themselves. If the rest of the world plays within the spirit of the game the way it was intended to be played. We can have fun until the game mechanics is fixed within the code as well.

There are 30 Guildmasters. Only one wont agree to this pact. Lots of competition to play against with fair play.

After having screamed "the wolf! Heeeelp" so much times, once Peter really met the predator, he was eaten without any answer to his call for aid...

Sorry my friend, I trust you, but I don't trust what Quark says any more, even for what they promised to you.

But I'm happy hearing that players, and GM peticularly, looked the problem and made conventions to try solving it.


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Postby Angusandnico » Wed Jun 11, 2014 4:56 am

There's a huge conversation in gm room about it. Until glitches r fixed many of us r signing up our guilds to a pledge not to exploit them, but all of us can do that. Hexxus pledges not to exploit glitches and if we see proof a player is exploiting we will kick them. If u r a guild or player that refuses to exploit glitches sign up here. You'll have players and guilds that will support u and jump to worlds with u. Valor needs time to fix glitches but the community can take a stand and we can can overwhelm and annihilate the glitchers or create worlds that r fair play

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