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General topics and discussion on Valor.
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Postby Infusion » Thu Jun 12, 2014 9:02 am

I'm not a heavy gold user. But do use it as well.

Welcome others to use it.

There will be "clean worlds"
Where the guilds not wishing to see exploits being used, will go to play. Then there will be regular exploit the crap outta the game worlds. You will have a choice on which one you wish to play in.

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Postby Infusion » Thu Jun 12, 2014 9:05 am

The way the code allows you to play and how the code was intended to allow you to play are 2 different things.

The spirit of the game is set so that it would simulate battle of a real castle age war. (This game is a lot fun to play this way)

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Postby Dawarmonger » Thu Jun 12, 2014 10:40 am


I normally don't post on forums but I will respond to infusion's calling out of my guild (Lollipops) on here.

1st.... Lollipop has never invented or discovered any glitch or cheats on valor...

We have used things such as ghosting and and medic scouts in game. SAME as you and your guild did as recently as world 424!

Medic scouting and ghosting are both tactics that were used against us that we now use to keep the playing field level.
Both tactics are available to anyone to use in the game - so it is in no way, shape or form a cheat.

2nd .... You of all people infusion should be happy we medic scout you, otherwise we might mistake you for a skilled player and attack you earlier.

3rd your constant whining in a war game makes me want to vomit! You grasp at any excuse to justify you and your guilds losses. What's really amusing is that you cry foul with medic scouting but yet you think it's fair and honorable to ally 4 / 5 guilds vs 1?

Did you hear anyone from lollipop cry or complain when you did that? NO! Cause we would kick out anyone that wasn't up for a challenge and was a crybaby...

Given a level playing field of any kind and lolli would roll your guild because its made up of better players and better character people - not afraid of a fight.

So I am starting a new petition aimed at removing sniveling little whiners from a "War Game"....

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Postby Gibbleguts » Thu Jun 12, 2014 10:46 am

If you want a realistic game then the glitches are part of it. Most real wars have been fought exploiting some weakness of the opponent or another. This isn't that way as it is available to all. If this is ruining valor for you then you need to spend more time on other games. You will soon remember that even with its glitches valor is more balanced then any of the other games out there with regards to being able to compete without breaking the bank for gold. Many other games people sell accounts they are that deeply invested in.

As someone who left because of glitches and came back because this is still the game that let's skill shine the most I won't be whining about glitches anytime soon

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Postby Infusion » Thu Jun 12, 2014 5:34 pm

The reality...

The game Valor is dying.

Most players dont like the experience of the game while exploitation is being used.

If you will rethink your thoughts. And recognize this. You'll soon realize the game will be gone.

Regardless of what anyone has done in the past. We need to bring the integrity of the game back.

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Postby LordFirefall » Thu Jun 12, 2014 6:06 pm

Dawarmonger wrote:Given a level playing field of any kind and lolli would roll your guild because its made up of better players and better character people - not afraid of a fight.

Given your performance against live targets in GW9, and having actually fought against many of your opponents in earlier worlds, I'd have to disagree. 90% of the attacks I've seen Lolli, War Forged, Walking Dead, and AC run in this GW have been while their target was offline. The few that have occurred while the target was on, failed pretty miserably, or took 2-3 retries to cap.

Your point about a level playing field is moot for GW9. Your alliance had the numbers from the start. Your alliance could have had an epic battle, but elected for a version of FarmVille with combat thrown in. Congratulations. Revel in the fact that you've paid ridiculous amounts of money for a shiny medal, but don't break your arm patting yourselves on the back for a job well done.
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Postby Angusandnico » Thu Jun 12, 2014 6:21 pm

The fact that gw9 is barely half full says every thing about the state of valor these days. It's sad that people have to put down others who are trying to do something positive for the game they love.

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Postby Baron596 » Thu Jun 12, 2014 6:25 pm

My condolence to Infusion and Sophia85 that they couldn't win 424 despite employing the following there :

Combat medic for scouting purposes
Neg nerds
Getting the whole world to gang up on 30 people

Now they have to exploit the integrity of some of the GMs here to achieve justify their loss, some of which I do have a lot of respect for.

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Postby Dawarmonger » Thu Jun 12, 2014 6:32 pm

I don't even consider GW9 a world... And you are correct we had the world won before it started because our opponents apparently didn't need to be capped since they were scared to death before it started.

And you mention earlier world performances and not impressed by lolli's performance? Then why is it we have not lost a single standard world? Despite attempts to ally the world against us everytime?

I would not trade a single lolli player for anyone Outside the guild... Cause when your insults are over and the worlds start it will be the same story... You will ally all the other guilds against us and fail to break us again...

Consider this an open challenge to fight us under any rules you wanna make... Lets see what excuses you find to duck this one...

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Postby Sreusch » Thu Jun 12, 2014 6:36 pm

No one wanted to play gw9 because they knew you all would cheat to win. I'll die knowing we didn't use one glitch. I'll preserve my honor

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