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Postby runatme » Thu Jun 12, 2014 11:50 pm

I look forward to the changes ..
But until then there is nothing dishonorable about taking advantage of exploits this is a war game you use very advantage possible ..
Don't start getting upset now because some guilds have gotten better at it then others ..

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Postby Angusandnico » Fri Jun 13, 2014 12:53 am

What's there to b better at? It's hardly rocket science to buy medic or ghost. Anyone can do it. It's just there r those of us who choose to exploit and those who don't.

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Postby runatme » Fri Jun 13, 2014 1:17 am

Angusandnico wrote:What's there to b better at? It's hardly rocket science to buy medic or ghost. Anyone can do it. It's just there r those of us who choose to exploit and those who don't.

Who honestly cares about medic scouting and ghosting ?
I don't use either of those and ie never seen it make a difference in a guild winning ..
The big one is nerd farming and that in itself will not win a world but when done properly it can be a powerful tool but barb hunters are easy enough to bring down ..

So it seems to me there are those that choose to play the game to its full potential ..
And those that like to whinge because arent playing how they want them to ..

I can't stress this enough this Is a WAR game were not in the 18th century standing in straight lines shooting at each other ..

There are so many different ways to play this world just because it's not to your liking doesn't mean there is anything wrong with it ..

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Postby Angusandnico » Fri Jun 13, 2014 2:29 am

We r asking quark to speed up fixing the glitches. I really don't see anything wrong with that. If u don't use the glitches shouldn't bother u what we're doing. This is not about gw9 I don't care about current or past worlds. This is about making the game better, fixing the holes and stopping the rot and mass exodus of players leaving. Fix the glitches run another Titan and things would improve in my opinion

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Postby runatme » Fri Jun 13, 2014 2:48 am

Angusandnico wrote:We r asking quark to speed up fixing the glitches. I really don't see anything wrong with that. If u don't use the glitches shouldn't bother u what we're doing. This is not about gw9 I don't care about current or past worlds. This is about making the game better, fixing the holes and stopping the rot and mass exodus of players leaving. Fix the glitches run another Titan and things would improve in my opinion

And Im behind that 100 percent ..
I just don't like the fact that people on Here are trying to say that those that have been using exploits are somehow dishonorable and going against what valor stands for ..
A true valorian uses everything at his disposal and until these exploits are patched then they shouldn't be disrespected for using the game at its full potential ..

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Postby Angusandnico » Fri Jun 13, 2014 5:09 am

My final words r this, it's a sad day in valor when exploiting, spending thousands and setting an alarm clock is called a strategy.

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Postby LordFirefall » Fri Jun 13, 2014 5:36 am

runatme wrote:And Im behind that 100 percent ..
I just don't like the fact that people on Here are trying to say that those that have been using exploits are somehow dishonorable and going against what valor stands for ..
A true valorian uses everything at his disposal and until these exploits are patched then they shouldn't be disrespected for using the game at its full potential ..

Understand your point about not wanting to be called dishonorable, but it is what it is. The win at any cost mentality has caused this game to lose a tremendous amount of players, as well as discourage new ones from playing more than one world. Newbies aren't going to stick around to learn those exploits. They will leave because they feel they have no chance.

True Valorians recognize the second and third order effect their actions will have. They also have enough self control not to use exploits that will eventually destroy the game. This is your game folks - you can play it however you wish. Just realize your actions, just as in real life, have consequences. Many people firmly believe the consequences of these exploits is a dying game. You only have to look at the fill rate for proof of this.
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Postby Infusion » Fri Jun 13, 2014 8:41 am

Simply put. We are looking to split the game into. Playing clean... Without loopholes. And Other worlds where they are accepted. Then everyone can enjoy the game.

I simply wont use the exploits as I dont feel they represent what the programmers intended when the game was created.

To be extreme with my example.

In poker. The mechanics of the game may allow me to see the bottom card on the deck while shuffling. And then I could continue shuffling the cards until I saw an ace there. And while dealing using slight of hand. I could bottom deal me that ace. Even though its 1 card and an Ace may not help my current hand that much. I could do it every time it was my turn to deal. Some might not feel this is cheating. Others may shoot ya.

It s only a small advantage. But an advantage all the same

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Postby Jodamann » Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:51 am

Much Ado About Nothing

Anyone will find a similar debate that chronicles back to w100 and worlds before regarding scholar boosting. The decisive and rapid defeat of so many "esteemed" players in GW9 has stoked the debate again. However, the more things change, the more they stay the same. For example, as is now as was then including--
-no hacking of the software code
-not using other software programs to automate commands
-applying code available to everyone, and

What has changed over the years is a few additions to the perceived "exploits" or "abuses" or "glitches" that a self righteous group assert a pledge of abstinence. We find this ironic and even hypocritical as we have observed signors to the abstinence policy as ones who have been teachers and others as users of such tactics in other worlds.

Abstinence is folly as no mechanism exists to provide transparency that the very signors themselves are not merely bullying others into an advantage that they may employ in private.

Further, we find the same message as an arrogation of Quark itself. The complaint fails to recognize burdens to reprogram which could lead to new bugs or new dynamics not anticipated. Quark is a business not a charity to pander to every users' entertainment desires. A study of Quark principles espoused by the director himself yields a revelation that they pride themselves on a zero sum roll playing game. That is, a winner. And, a loser. We find it no coincidence that the signors to an abstinence policy are generally on the losing side of GW9.

Discretion is the better part of valor. Choose what you want, but the playing field is level in GW, in legacy, and 1ks.


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Postby LordFirefall » Fri Jun 13, 2014 11:11 am

Jodamann wrote:Much Ado About Nothing

Discretion is the better part of valor. Choose what you want, but the playing field is level in GW, in legacy, and 1ks.

Joe, the playing field isn't any more level now than when you all piled on to PwnLaw in W100. As I said in my previous post, your actions have consequences. You're seeing them now. On the bright side, by the time you're done, I'm sure guild worlds will be down to guilds of 10 and a max of 100 players. This will be a bonus for you as you can fill a winning guild with only your alts and the signers of your declaration can take turns "winning" them. Enjoy.
W95 Praetorian Guard Guild Leader

Kakao: LordFirefall or Firefall

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