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Postby Angusandnico » Sun Jun 15, 2014 4:38 am

Um those exploits r dead easy. Barb boosting u just need an alt. ghosting just need a simple scout or trade glitch. Medics u need cash

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Postby Angusandnico » Sun Jun 15, 2014 4:42 am

Need alts for nerd farming. None of these things require any skill what so ever lol

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Postby Angusandnico » Sun Jun 15, 2014 4:44 am

To do on mass u just need jail broken devices and a ton of cash.

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Postby Angusandnico » Sun Jun 15, 2014 4:51 am

U can not tell me "thousands of dollars", jail broken devices, an alarm clock and empty worlds is a war strategy. Not buying it

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Postby Angusandnico » Sun Jun 15, 2014 5:09 am


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Postby runatme » Sun Jun 15, 2014 3:38 pm

Your kidding yourselves if you think a couple of exploit patches are going to save this game ...

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Postby LordFirefall » Sun Jun 15, 2014 5:05 pm

runatme wrote:Your kidding yourselves if you think a couple of exploit patches are going to save this game ...

I realize you and many others have no respect for players that have been around a long time. However, many of us have played other games where the player base was able to police itself. As I said before - you don't have to sign on. I signed it because I have seen it work for other games.
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Postby Ednolb » Sun Jun 15, 2014 5:11 pm

I would have to agree with Loh. And it makes me really disappointed to read and see Valor Lions and Guildmasters complaining, I would hope rather to have better examples set for the soldiers of the game. Sure many can say that they miss old worlds and the days where these glitches didn't exist. But, to the ones complaining in threads when you're on a losing team doesn't do anything and it makes me not too surprised that you're on the losing team and that people you know are leaving the game. Not to mention I know 100% for a fact some said players of that losing team used glitches to get to this GW, double standard? Same thing I said to the people complaining that their GM nominee didn't get GM. Hold your head high as a warrior, use integrity and respect for the game and the opponents. Face the challenge.

I ponder the question of if many know the definition of "Valor" So, I will post to be sure.
Valor - noun.
Great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle.
"the medals are awarded for acts of valor"

Wars evolve. Someone posted before about RL wars and the act of lining up and firing now progressing to more strategic warfare. Quark is aware of their glitches, they are not banned so for now we must learn how to combat them and evolve in game as we do in RL.

Do I believe GW7 + GW8 snake stuff happened, yes, and I was on the losing end. Do you believe GW9 snake stuff is happening? Yes, and I am on the winning end. I always say no matter what you have to give players credit for playing the game fully to their capabilities. You're going to be outwitted and out played every once in awhile. Don't smash the people using these things and evolving with the game. I've been here since w6 I've had to evolve quite a few times. Its valor life. I don't like cheats and new glitches bother me as well but I will be the first of my team to annoy Orlor about it- if he says its legal (medic/ghosting/boosting) I will make sure my team knows how to combat it and how to use it. If he says it's not legal I will do my best to find all information to put it to a stop (double troops).

By making a petition to quit if quark doesn't fix glitches (which have been deemed legal) by so and so day is outlandish - Quark has many things on their plate. To those signers, I say go!... Don't scramble to keep them. These players aren't as dedicated to the game as anyone I'd want on my team, and there is and will be many more players of the game. I don't want to battle a quitter. I want a challenge. Raise your team to be tough, not flee.

Lastly, whys everyone crying about it on a thread dedicated to GW10 and the new player limit... Literally took me forever to find where everyone was talking about this topic because its strayed so far from the intention of the thread.

With Respect,

Loh4nna wrote:I don't ghost but I don't view it as cheating. Before ghosting, all you had was spying and backstabbing, caused me to quit a couple of times.
It's actually really hard work to ghost, and instead of complaining they could always break ghosting. But most ppl take the easy way out and just complain. Same as barb boosting, ppl know the theory behind them. They can choose to do it or not. In every scenario there's a choice given... Whether you choose to do it or not is at the end of the day YOUR CHOICE.
The reason why I love valor in spite of it's glitches is that the game is constantly evolving.

Certain glitches that Quark should focus on are doubled troops and game lag !
By the way a lot of ppl worthy of GM title are excluded because at the moment it's a buddy system! There has to be a better way for choosing a GM.

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Postby runatme » Sun Jun 15, 2014 5:15 pm

LordFirefall wrote:I realize you and many others have no respect for players that have been around a long time. However, many of us have played other games where the player base was able to police itself. As I said before - you don't have to sign on. I signed it because I have seen it work for other games.

And you need to pull your head in and get of your high horse you egotistical fool we have been playing this game for years aswell..
sitting in your GM and lions of valor rooms thinking your somehow better then us ..
We all know that crap works of a buddy system hence the reason you don't have our respect .
Respect is earned and I don't know you from a bar of soap ..

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Postby LordFirefall » Sun Jun 15, 2014 6:00 pm

runatme wrote:And you need to pull your head in and get of your high horse you egotistical fool we have been playing this game for years aswell..
sitting in your GM and lions of valor rooms thinking your somehow better then us ..
We all know that crap works of a buddy system hence the reason you don't have our respect .
Respect is earned and I don't know you from a bar of soap ..

No one is claiming to be better than you. We are merely pointing out things that can be done to improve the game. Just because you don't believe it's possible, or you don't want the initiative to succeed, doesn't mean it has no chance. The fact remains, forum discussions have had a bearing on Quark decisions since they did away with Chaos. So I will post anything I please in order to have input to the future of the game. I'll also debate anyone that shows up. It doesn't matter to me if I have your respect. In fact, I couldn't care less.

You can whine about Lion this or GM that, but the fact remains that the first round of GMs had no input from players, other than the nomination. There is no way to nominate a Lion and there is no input from the community as to who got that badge. The second round of GM nominations had input from current GMs, so you can feel free to run a search on the details of that if you're curious.
W95 Praetorian Guard Guild Leader

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