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Postby Dawarmonger » Thu Jun 19, 2014 5:46 am

Well I guess we will add having a job and discretionary income to the list of complaints and things we want banned...

I offered a challenge on here to vs any guild with any rules they wanna make... And all I heard were crickets and complaints.

Suck it up cupcakes... Fight or leave I couldn't care less which you do....

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Postby LordFirefall » Thu Jun 19, 2014 4:32 pm

Dawarmonger wrote:Well I guess we will add having a job and discretionary income to the list of complaints and things we want banned...

Interesting that you gleaned that assumption from the posts on this thread. Perhaps you should consider re-reading it?

Dawarmonger wrote:I offered a challenge on here to vs any guild with any rules they wanna make... And all I heard were crickets and complaints.

I don't think anyone took that challenge seriously, given the reputation for dishonesty Lolli has built for themselves of late (Chinooks post not withstanding).

Dawarmonger wrote:Suck it up cupcakes... Fight or leave I couldn't care less which you do....

This is a point that seems lost on you, so I'll post it slowly. People... Are... Leaving... Due... To... The... Prevailing... Tactics... You're... Trying... To... Pass... Off... As... Skill... Before you know it, you'll get your wish. Worlds all to yourselves, where those tactics are all that's used. Enjoy them.
W95 Praetorian Guard Guild Leader
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Postby KingOfSin » Fri Jun 20, 2014 12:32 am

Dawarmonger wrote:Well I guess we will add having a job and discretionary income to the list of complaints and things we want banned...

Not sure how that's what you took away from what anyone said, but the only one opposed to having a job and or social life would be your guild mate that previously suggested everyone needed 24 hours of activity as the standard. In addition, no one is complaining about players having money to spend on gold. Contrary to what you might think, others could easily do the mass spending in standard worlds, but most have enough sense/skill to not use it as "strategy". Anyone that's played this game long enough knows there's always been players that spend ridiculous amounts, even more so than anyone in your guild has spent. That's not the issue. At the end of the day Quark is a business and they're never going to complain about people buying too much gold and thinking otherwise is completely unrealistic. The problem is that now there are guilds composed entirely of people who are going to employ such "strategy" and conquerable barb worlds only option (1k worlds) is small enough for the mass gold spending to make a drastic difference.

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Postby SirBlazeALot420 » Sat Jun 21, 2014 12:05 am

The fact that GW9 was in clean up mode after only 3 weeks just shows the great need for a change. It is not that the tactics used is cheating. We can all use the same tactics and it is up to the leaders as of what tactics you use to win. Your guild members put faith is there leaders to be able to guide them to victory. We have gotten the 1k standard worlds down to a science. Claiming we cheated is not true at all. If you have something to say...... Let's please make it productive! That is what this forum is here for!

True leaders come up with solutions! Anyone can complain!

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Postby SirBlazeALot420 » Sat Jun 21, 2014 12:26 am

Try cutting out the ability to guild hop locking a player to one guild. A very simple change that will have game changing results! No more hopping to 4-5 guilds to support! Choose your guild wisely and fight to the end! 100 member guild 5k standard world.

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Postby SirBlazeALot420 » Sat Jun 21, 2014 12:30 am

Till death due us part.

0 respawns would curb the barb boosting.

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Postby SirBlazeALot420 » Sat Jun 21, 2014 12:42 am

1k standard
Guild locked: 50 members
Respawns: 0
Beginner protection: None
Unit speed: 4
World speed: 5
Gold use: On

Win world condition: all under 4k with 1 city

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Postby Angusandnico » Sat Jun 21, 2014 4:51 am

Blaze I like that a lot

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Postby Angusandnico » Sat Jun 21, 2014 4:53 am

Tbh there's a game many of us have moved on 2. In fact u can't help trip over a valor player. It has the balance right. If u spend a lot of gold/gems u get rewarded with cool toys and advance in the game rapidly, but u also move up a league so you r challenged with opponents who will test your strategy. U have to use strategy, not money or glitches, but if u do spend u r rewarded. Climb up the league table and u will b pitted against opponents of equal strength. If u don't have gold it takes u longer to progress, but if u put in the time you'll b equally rewarded. U war against other guilds 2, but u don't win based on who shows up, who's sleeping, a world pop, or who can dble their points over night via a glitch, or money, u win based on who has the best war strategy. And get this, there was a glitch in this game my friend told me about, but it was fixed in two weeks. Hard core gaming is about creating competition and multiple entry points. I love valor and if quark sorts themselves out and goes back to their roots I'll b back like a shot. Otherwise enjoy the crickets.

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Postby Ryski » Sat Jun 21, 2014 8:42 am

LordFirefall wrote:This is a point that seems lost on you, so I'll post it slowly. People... Are... Leaving... Due... To... The... Prevailing... Tactics... You're... Trying... To... Pass... Off... As... Skill... Before you know it, you'll get your wish. Worlds all to yourselves, where those tactics are all that's used. Enjoy them.

Yes, this is exactly right, and it is pretty clear from the last two 1k worlds I joined.

The first was an alliance of players there for the sole purpose of qualifying 25 more for a GW. One of their players bragged to me about the number of players they had in the alliance to ensue a win, and that more than one was playing several accounts. The second was over in two weeks, the number of active enemy players just wasn’t there. Neither of these scenarios makes for enjoyable game play, I can’t imagine for either side. From chatting with friends that are still actively playing, it seems these worlds are becoming more and more common, and I have little interest in returning for that.

Did we forget this happened before with Speed Worlds? At first there was a new speed world every 4 hours. Then populations started to decline and speed worlds were reduced to one per day. People complained on the forum about the abuse of players using multiple accounts and transferring a second city to the first account at the start of the world. Nothing was done to address this complaint, fewer players signed up for speed worlds and the number of speed worlds continued to decline until they eventually went away. An exploit used by a small number of players that deterred the majority from playing… hmm… Populations on 1k worlds will continue to dwindle until they eventually close all together due to a lack of interest. It’s already happening with the reduction in world size for GW10. When GW’s were released they were initially 1k populations with 25 member guild sizes, 500 population with 25 member guild sizes...

So some potential solutions to these issues:

Barb boosting – Do not increase the points of a barb when the lord city is capped. If a barb does not jump to over 10k points when the LC is capped, then it takes away the advantage to the player transferring barbs to alts to boost the points.

Fix the update that allowed two accounts on one device. Yes, this is available to everyone, but for most actively and effectively playing one account takes up plenty of time. Playing multiple accounts on more than one device, just to seemingly keep up with the competition made the game more work than fun IMO.

Eliminate negative scholars from the game. Make the change going forward so you don’t upset those in pre-TBS worlds. If you have negative scholars, they are not effective until your scholarships are back to even. Or they disappear, whatever works from a coding perspective

Ghosting – I don’t think the solution is setting an alarm every hour of every night as someone previously suggested. This just isn’t realistic for most people, if I start doing this I am pretty sure I’ll be going to sleep and waking up alone lol. The simple solution would be, when a city is scouted a report is generated right away.

Medic scouting – Meh, I don’t have a suggestion here, but this is IMO a very minor issue compared to the others.

Those are my suggestions for what I see as the problem with Valor and the reason that after 3 years of playing, I haven’t actively played in close to five months.

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