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Postby EmporerCooper » Wed Jun 25, 2014 2:00 am

So my own view was slightly different. First let me say that I've ghosted, medi-scouted, used attack chaos back in the day, support chaos, unforgivable curses, etc. So don't think I'm here saying that my zerk's don't stink. It's true that I did not like like the barb flips of gw9, but that event was really more of a catalyst for me to really speak up as to what damage I believe these "game mechanic opportunities" were causing.

So here's the short of it:

While "offlining" targets in prior worlds I noticed that the game had really taken a bad turn in that Offlining was the primary war. Sure, I was actually part of this problem, but what I saw happening as result really worried me. People were bored, becoming disengaged, retiring, and/or moving to legacies only because they had tired of what the 1ks had become.

I then noticed, if we ran a larger-style Op, then people suddenly became more engaged and were having fun again. Win or lose...

So my main issue was that we were using these valid parts of the game to give us an edge or reduce our risk, but the cost of doing that seemed to literally be killing the community. I could give a list of reasons why I believe that is the case, but you can sum it up by just knowing that Offlining is just boring... and not much a of a team effort. I mean we might as well be just capping barbs. But again, I'm not judging people, guilds or anything else. I'm part of the system. I'm expressing concern that our current road may be causing people to become bored and go play candy crush.

I saw a similar reaction to the barb flips. As soon as it happened, many folks just cut-out. It immediately nullified any real war happening in GW. But again this was just one issue that was causing problems. So was Offlining, and even the amount we were taking to 1ks.. Essentially just making them ticket farms.

So, for me it's not about who uses these, what worlds that have occurred in or anything like that. It's simply are they causing balance issues, boring people and removing the real war game aspect? That's really for Quark to decide though now. Maybe they're making took much money off of them or don't want to spend the money to update an old game. Who knows, but I don't think everyone pointing fingers in where really helps in any way. Besides, I don't believe any one that has spoken up in here wants to see the game die, so it really should be a holy war, IMO.

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Postby SirBlazeALot420 » Wed Jun 25, 2014 8:46 am

Combat medic: you can't take troop report out. It is not just that simple as you say. The fact is if I drop gold on combat medic and send 1000z at you and I don't get a report because.... Well a few guys don't like it! That will not happen and combat medic will continue. So there is no need to keep saying that over and over when the idea has not really been thought out. Can we have some more new ideas please and stop repeating the same ones over and over taking up space. All ideas will be looked at and considered.

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Postby SirBlazeALot420 » Wed Jun 25, 2014 9:26 am

Troop warping: if that is used and considered a bannable situation then the problem should be directly addressed to all players by orlor and not swept under the rug never repairing the problem. Now that everyone knows that this ability is out there many more players will figure out how to do it. As long as it is a part of the basic programming and not done using other programs then it is technically a "strategy" and part of the game. We can all talk all we want but it is up to quark to do something. If nothing is done then you can punish players for playing your game enough to figure these things out if you do nothing to fix the issue. Otherwise it is considered part of the game and all players the have advanced into knowing your game inside and out will use this ability to its full potential just like the double attack issue in GW9 was used. It was used by many of the top players and no one got banned for doing so. I know many of the players very well that used the double attack and nothing was done to them. And there leader even became a GM ironically.

You can't have double standards for issues that are directly related to the game program. Major issues should be announced to all game players and actions that will be taken if explored so all will know. Then fix the program!

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Postby LordFirefall » Wed Jun 25, 2014 10:28 am

SirBlazeALot420 wrote:Combat medic: you can't take troop report out. It is not just that simple as you say. The fact is if I drop gold on combat medic and send 1000z at you and I don't get a report because.... Well a few guys don't like it! That will not happen and combat medic will continue. So there is no need to keep saying that over and over when the idea has not really been thought out. Can we have some more new ideas please and stop repeating the same ones over and over taking up space. All ideas will be looked at and considered.

Actually, it is an easy fix. Have the combat medic logic adhere to the same logic as a normal scout report. The purpose of combat medics is to save some of your troops, not to scout. If you sent enough scout to get a report, fine. But why do you think sending a few zerks should magically tell you the troop totals of a city?

As far as repeating the ideas, I am merely addressing yours, and other's responses. This is the nature of debate. If you would like some new ideas, suggest them.

SirBlazeALot420 wrote:Troop warping: if that is used and considered a bannable situation then the problem should be directly addressed to all players by orlor and not swept under the rug never repairing the problem. Now that everyone knows that this ability is out there many more players will figure out how to do it. As long as it is a part of the basic programming and not done using other programs then it is technically a "strategy" and part of the game. We can all talk all we want but it is up to quark to do something. If nothing is done then you can punish players for playing your game enough to figure these things out if you do nothing to fix the issue. Otherwise it is considered part of the game and all players the have advanced into knowing your game inside and out will use this ability to its full potential just like the double attack issue in GW9 was used. It was used by many of the top players and no one got banned for doing so. I know many of the players very well that used the double attack and nothing was done to them. And there leader even became a GM ironically.

I disagree. There have been exploits out there were kept under wraps until they were fixed and not used by the guilds that found them, except to test they were still there. In fact, many of us identified ghosting years ago. The difference is, many of us tested it with a small group of our own players and then didn't use it. Personally, I identified it in W26. I managed to ensure my folks didn't use it until it became obvious that was the new normal (over 2 years later). It didn't get wide use, because as Cooper points out - it's boring to attack that way. All it takes is a self control on everyone's part.

SirBlazeALot420 wrote:You can't have double standards for issues that are directly related to the game program. Major issues should be announced to all game players and actions that will be taken if explored so all will know. Then fix the program!

You may consider it a double standard that some of us would like to see worlds where people actively choose not to use these listed exploits and others can do what they want. However, this happens all the time in the real world. There is nothing physically preventing you from going out and murdering someone, just as the program doesn't prevent you from using these exploits. However, as a society, we have deemed murder to be bad and have put policies in place to deter it. This is the essence of the proposal on the table. We'd all like to see the program fixed, and I believe all these issues will eventually be fixed by Quark. However, people are leaving the game because of these same exploits and this is an attempt to reduce that exodus until Quark gets things fixed.
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Postby SirBlazeALot420 » Wed Jun 25, 2014 10:48 am

No 5 zerks should not tell you the troops count. The same with scouts. If you send 10 scouts you should not get a full report. Under normal attack conditions you report with scouts depends in the number of scouts in the city. Sometimes it gives troop count only due defender having a large number of scouts. Troop reports when medic scouting should be adjusted to act the same. So if you send 1000z and the city troops drop below attacking # of troops then a report is generated.

If you take away reports then no one will buy combat medic! Baby Quarks still have to eat and they are not going to take money out of there pockets because you have the option to buy combat medic just like everyone else. A happy mid point will have to be established inorder for real change to become reality.

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Postby LordFirefall » Wed Jun 25, 2014 11:09 am

SirBlazeALot420 wrote:No 5 zerks should not tell you the troops count. The same with scouts. If you send 10 scouts you should not get a full report. Under normal attack conditions you report with scouts depends in the number of scouts in the city. Sometimes it gives troop count only due defender having a large number of scouts. Troop reports when medic scouting should be adjusted to act the same. So if you send 1000z and the city troops drop below attacking # of troops then a report is generated.

If you take away reports then no one will buy combat medic! Baby Quarks still have to eat and they are not going to take money out of there pockets because you have the option to buy combat medic just like everyone else. A happy mid point will have to be established inorder for real change to become reality.

The person that posited modifying combat medics isn't saying take away the whole report - just the part that doesn't adhere to the scouting rules. I'm sure that will decrease who buys combat medics now, as many use it as scouts instead of the purpose it was intended.
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Postby SirBlazeALot420 » Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:58 pm

Basicly everyone agrees that 1k standard world have become dry and not real competitive. A change needs to happen to the game or it will die a swift death! As all it would take would be a group demand from all that comented in this thread to not play them until a change is made. We can set pacts and say we won't use certain tactical tricks to get advantages. That is just a waiting game to see who drops and uses them first as it is part of the game. Rather than saying that we will continue playing until they get around to making a change we have the power to freeze all 1k worlds all together if quark likes that or not! That action would be swift and produce actionable results. While we should not have to result to such actions Quark needs to open an ear and make things happen for real! We pay your bills!

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Postby SirBlazeALot420 » Thu Jun 26, 2014 1:16 pm

Not saying that these issues address directly need to be implemented. The years of endless suggestions for new unit types as well as many other suggestions have all fallen into the land of the lost. Change a few things so it is a new fresh playing field. Just as many great old world players got the rear end handed to them when 1k standard was introduced cause they could not figure out the strategy fast enough. Many Great 1k players will have the same fate. Myself as well as many others here have made suggestions and said that this day would come only to fall on def ears

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Postby LordFirefall » Thu Jun 26, 2014 2:06 pm

Personally, I have stopped playing until things get fixed. However, Infusion's petition enables people who wish to continue to be able to do so.

As far as old world players getting their rears handed to them because "they could not figure out the strategy fast enough", speaking as an old world player I don't see that to be the case. I figured out the strategy just fine. However, I don't see the skill or challenge in waiting until someone is offline to attack them or any of the other exploits that have been passed off as "strategy" or "tactics". The only challenge I see lately is maintaining multiple accounts to squeeze more of them into GW (being done again right now by a certain guild). That's not skill - that's repetition that a monkey could be trained to do.

I was attracted to this game because of the skilled competition. Since that skilled has degenerated to people passing off extensive use of exploits as "skill" the decision to stop playing was pretty easy.
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Postby runatme » Thu Jun 26, 2014 7:50 pm

LordFirefall wrote:Personally, I have stopped playing until things get fixed. However, Infusion's petition enables people who wish to continue to be able to do so.

As far as old world players getting their rears handed to them because "they could not figure out the strategy fast enough", speaking as an old world player I don't see that to be the case. I figured out the strategy just fine. However, I don't see the skill or challenge in waiting until someone is offline to attack them or any of the other exploits that have been passed off as "strategy" or "tactics". The only challenge I see lately is maintaining multiple accounts to squeeze more of them into GW (being done again right now by a certain guild). That's not skill - that's repetition that a monkey could be trained to do.

I was attracted to this game because of the skilled competition. Since that skilled has degenerated to people passing off extensive use of exploits as "skill" the decision to stop playing was pretty easy.

These tactics have been used since the first legacy ...
Makes me laugh every time one of you dinosaurs try to play the new worlds and can't keep up lol ..
Personally I don't see the skill in continuing to play old dead worlds long after the real winners have moved on ..

And as an Australian i have been dealing with people attacking me while I'm asleep since this game started ..


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