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Postby LordFirefall » Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:11 pm

runatme wrote:These tactics have been used since the first legacy ...
Makes me laugh every time one of you dinosaurs try to play the new worlds and can't keep up lol ..
Personally I don't see the skill in continuing to play old dead worlds long after the real winners have moved on ..

And as an Australian i have been dealing with people attacking me while I'm asleep since this game started ..


Harden up? That's so cute... You didn't read the post very well. Try again and read it slower this time if it helps.

I can't speak for people in other worlds, but I can say in 95, we did win it after a long war and drove all our enemies out. A 30k world, and not an enemy to be found. I do log into it occasionally, to ensure losers haven't come back back from the dead to claim "victory".

Continue telling yourself that using those exploits equals real skill. Enjoy the competition that is left. Maybe GW10 will have 50-100 enemy for you and the boys to triumph over victoriously. Hopefully it is just as gratifying as GW9 - LOL
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Postby runatme » Thu Jun 26, 2014 11:46 pm

LordFirefall wrote:Harden up? That's so cute... You didn't read the post very well. Try again and read it slower this time if it helps.

I can't speak for people in other worlds, but I can say in 95, we did win it after a long war and drove all our enemies out. A 30k world, and not an enemy to be found. I do log into it occasionally, to ensure losers haven't come back back from the dead to claim "victory".

Continue telling yourself that using those exploits equals real skill. Enjoy the competition that is left. Maybe GW10 will have 50-100 enemy for you and the boys to triumph over victoriously. Hopefully it is just as gratifying as GW9 - LOL

Haha I did read it and all your other whingeing posts ..

Honestly where the hell have you been these exploits and tactics have been used in every world for years tbs,legacy and Gw ..

And now suddenly in gw9 everyone that is using them has no skill lol honestly how long have you been playing with your self in w95 that you didn't notice how much the game has change..

People aren't leaving purely because of exploits there are a host of problems This game has and toxic players like yourself don't help the cause ..

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Postby Angusandnico » Fri Jun 27, 2014 3:37 am

I can't keep up with u runtatme lol one minute you'd b happy if exploits would b fixed and then the next your insulting people. This thread was trying to do something positive and now it's just a place 2 troll.

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Postby LordFirefall » Fri Jun 27, 2014 3:43 am

runatme wrote:Haha I did read it and all your other whingeing posts ..

Honestly where the hell have you been these exploits and tactics have been used in every world for years tbs,legacy and Gw ..

And now suddenly in gw9 everyone that is using them has no skill lol honestly how long have you been playing with your self in w95 that you didn't notice how much the game has change..

People aren't leaving purely because of exploits there are a host of problems This game has and toxic players like yourself don't help the cause ..

Evidently you didn't actually comprehend them. Try again, and if you need help with the larger words, phone a friend.

The point I and others have made, is these haven't been the prevailing "tactics". It has gotten steadily gotten worse over time. I personally use GW9 as an example, because it's the worst I and many others have seen it. Although I'm sure if I had actively played 418 and some of the feeder worlds for GW10, those would be excellent examples as well. As far as playing with yourself, I'm sure if you have a ticket to GW10, you'll get to experience that some more. Enjoy the new FarmVille, and keep telling yourself this brand of playing equals skill and that everyone who disagrees or hasn't stooped to that level of play is just a dinosaur.
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Postby Angusandnico » Fri Jun 27, 2014 6:02 am

I really don't get the dinosaur reference. I started in w29 and since w358 I've played tbs exclusively, I know lots of players from old worlds have. I guess it's supposed to b an insult but I don't get it. It's off topic and a troll. U either want the glitches or u don't and trust me troop warp would b the absolute death of this game. It makes double troop glitch look like pre-school

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Postby SirBlazeALot420 » Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:36 am

runatme wrote:These tactics have been used since the first legacy ...
Makes me laugh every time one of you dinosaurs try to play the new worlds and can't keep up lol ..
Personally I don't see the skill in continuing to play old dead worlds long after the real winners have moved on ..

And as an Australian i have been dealing with people attacking me while I'm asleep since this game started ..


This statement is very true! Everyone has the ability to barb boost, ghost, medic scout, and any other tactic you can think of! The key is the ability to run a crew and keep all tactics in order. Any guild using any tactics as a group will always come out in top. There is a very simple tactic to beat a crew that is using all the tactics that are being complained about here! I used them against AC last world. I must say it worked very well! What that was.... Not telling

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Postby SirBlazeALot420 » Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:51 am

Groups have become to large try cutting the number of crowns and generals down in a guild. This will limit the ability to jump guilds. Decrease the number of crowns with every alliance. Make it where you can't attack a player you are allied with. This will make it harder to boost

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Postby LordFirefall » Fri Jun 27, 2014 12:26 pm

SirBlazeALot420 wrote:This statement is very true! Everyone has the ability to barb boost, ghost, medic scout, and any other tactic you can think of! The key is the ability to run a crew and keep all tactics in order. Any guild using any tactics as a group will always come out in top. There is a very simple tactic to beat a crew that is using all the tactics that are being complained about here! I used them against AC last world. I must say it worked very well! What that was.... Not telling

It's fine to say everyone has the ability to use these tactics, but that isn't good for the game as a whole. What you are effectively doing is making the learning curve for new players such that they won't continue playing beyond their first world. An analogy using your line of reasoning is that since a few baseball players use steroids, anyone who wants to compete with them should also use steroids.

As far as your point about cutting down the amount of crowns and generals to make it harder to boost barbs, that's a strawman argument. How about crowns just say we aren't going to do that? Take some personal responsibility for your actions. Yes, everyone has the ability to use these tactics. The difference is, some people have enough self awareness and self control to realize they are bad for the overall game and shouldn't be used.
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Postby runatme » Fri Jun 27, 2014 6:40 pm

Angusandnico wrote:I can't keep up with u runtatme lol one minute you'd b happy if exploits would b fixed and then the next your insulting people. This thread was trying to do something positive and now it's just a place 2 troll.

Still stands I'm happy to see exploits fixed ..
I just don't like fire falls disrespectful attitude every guild in legacy using them which from what I have seen is every top guild ..
These exploits have been used for years In most if not all worlds there not new and there easily beaten ..

Good idea to make new worlds that they can't be used ..
Bad idea is to crap on everyone currently playing worlds just because he has been out of the loop and preferred the playing style from 3 years ago ..

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Postby runatme » Fri Jun 27, 2014 6:43 pm


The best part about this is I told you that when you went to the new worlds you wouldn't be able to keep up ..
And here we are your blaming everything but yourself because you couldn't win ..

The point I'm making is these "tactics" haven't been getting worse there the exact same ones used when legacy worlds started ..

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