
General topics and discussion on Valor.
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Postby LordFirefall » Mon May 25, 2015 5:41 pm

I sent you a message in Kakao - curiosity got the best of me.
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Postby Chinooks » Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:53 pm

I thank a mate that ss the original post as many don't log into the forum these days. My last post was in the lions thread asking for world closures a few months ago.

I have been playing since w1, and both a lion and GM, but I have not been hiding. I still play and even had addis in a world where he changed his name to pillowhands (and that was the first time I had played with him). The GM room on kakao seemed like a great way to communicate with valor staff, especially with Orlor. However when he left the responses from quark/valor did too. This left many frustrated and some started leaving the room. This was in late march and early April. So the GMs have and still do post what our players have been asking for or complaining about. Just it's one way now days.

This fall will be 6 years playing without a true break. But my activity level has changed as promotions and life take over. Only can play one world at a time...when I had little responsibility I lived on kakao and valor. Now I just play for friends and fun.

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GM response #1

Postby QueTrone » Sun Jun 14, 2015 5:40 pm

sirBlazeAlot. I am also a first generation GM and I've never heard of one losing his badge

Addis. Since you mentioned GMs, I felt obliged. Best communicator you say? What does that even mean? That you speak a lot? It doesn't mean what you say has any merit. If anyone wants to know about Addis' words, I can testify to his reliability, or lack of. I won't go into bashing anyone in the forums. I'm available in kakao should you want more info

As for the "future of Valor". If you don't like the game anymore, then quit. As for me, I'll continue on in hopes of a better tomorrow

QueTrone (same in kakao)

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Postby Chinooks » Sun Jun 14, 2015 10:06 pm

From quetrone (another guild master):
"Re: Addis (or should I use your newest ... "n0name") You know the GMs. You have their contact info already. So I can only assume that was a low blow and your trying to debase the game even further. You are not a GM and therefore have no ability to pretend to know about our activity. It's no one fault but your own if many GMs chose to no longer hold your company.

To the valor public. I can only hope you continue to encourage new players to join the game and to press on playing it as I and many others who are discouraged by the state of the game recently. As I am. I'm still here and still playing this silly but addictive game.

Ps. You mentioned your 4 straight wins, but neglected to speak of your current world, and loss. I was there with you in the first two of those four. If the game seems lonely now, how much of that is your own doing?"
Poor quetrone having issues posting on forum.

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Postby Kingaddis » Sat Jun 20, 2015 1:03 pm

The reason I didn't mention my current world was because at the time, this 'current' world didn't exist.
I didn't pretend I knew GM activity, It's the GM responsibility to update us mortals via the forums.

And chinooks, you trying to belittle me won't work, you only played 1 world with me? 😳
And throwing your GM badge in my face ain't gonna prove anything, you are in fact a GM, instead if acting like a 'regular' valor player, act like a representative of us valor players and lead by example.
Trying to downgrade a player is not what your role is about.
Act like a proper GM, or give it up.
Try and be a better GM than as a valor crown.

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Postby LordFirefall » Sat Jun 20, 2015 5:11 pm

Kingaddis wrote:I didn't pretend I knew GM activity, It's the GM responsibility to update us mortals via the forums.

I don't remember seeing that in the GM handbook...
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Postby JudgeDredge » Sat Jun 20, 2015 7:38 pm

Hi all.
I would think Valour still has more left in this game. I have seen many players spend huge amounts of money
on this game to "get ahead " of the pack.
If the new owners what to make money on this game they will need to of course spend time making the players
I think I have at least one more legacy left in me also.

If they are not going to close the world, maybe we just need to play a last man standing world and forget about getting the
nice little title at the end.
My first 5 worlds we never received a medal for playing the game, and the worlds are still open now 5 or more years later!

...Well thats my two cents worths....



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Postby LordFirefall » Sun Jun 21, 2015 6:36 pm

I don't think it matters whether Valor has anything left. If you look at the classic reasons one company acquires another, the one that fits in this case is to eliminate competition. For that reason, I suspect Valor will just be allowed to die on the vine.
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Postby Angusandnico » Wed Jul 01, 2015 2:20 am

Quark isn't talking 2 anyone. They r not talking to gms, they aren't talking to lions, and they aren't talking to players. All they r doing is taking your money. If they cared a rats they would have been on these forums answering concerns and questions. But they're not. Bickering about old worlds, is pointless and irrelevant, and actually quite childish. imo u have 2 choices ... Spend your money and enjoy the last dying days of Valor or move on 2 another game. Both valid, and more interesting then point scoring on worlds no one cares about except the people who were in them, in which case do your back biting on kakao instead of wasting oxygen here.

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Postby Huntyoudown » Sun Jul 12, 2015 7:44 am

Angusandnico wrote:Quark isn't talking 2 anyone. They r not talking to gms, they aren't talking to lions, and they aren't talking to players. All they r doing is taking your money. If they cared a rats they would have been on these forums answering concerns and questions. But they're not. Bickering about old worlds, is pointless and irrelevant, and actually quite childish. imo u have 2 choices ... Spend your money and enjoy the last dying days of Valor or move on 2 another game. Both valid, and more interesting then point scoring on worlds no one cares about except the people who were in them, in which case do your back biting on kakao instead of wasting oxygen here.

This badically sums it up which is why I deleted valor and kakao from my phone.
I have been contomplating bringing it back, but no communication between quark and plays its worth the hassle.

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