Call me "Old Faithful" (Boxer 066)

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Call me "Old Faithful" (Boxer 066)

Postby Boxer066 » Sun Dec 13, 2015 12:19 am

I've been playing Valor now since September of 2012. Faithfully, I would get that $15 iTunes card extend my jobs from 2 to 5 for 1 week for 50 gold. There were a few times I tried to extend it for 2 weeks by paying 100 gold, but inevitably the valor's computers would ALWAYS forget, & they returned back to 2 jobs after 7 days. ALWAYS!. I never said a word to anyone, I just paid another 50 Gold for another week of increased jobs. I estimate that between the 3 worlds I used to run for the first 1 ½ years, plus God knows how many times I fell asleep & hit the "purchase increased scholar prestige for 50 Gold". And NEVER USED IT. Oh well. More tomorrow. -Boxer066

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Postby smga3000 » Fri May 13, 2016 11:16 am

Thank you for your game enthusiasm, but in reading your post I'm not sure if you are having any issues. If you are, please let me know and I'll help you.

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