Chaos change and attack change

Post here any ideas or suggestions you have for improving Valor.
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Postby Naita » Sat Feb 11, 2012 7:56 pm

This change to attack and support would mean that sending troops will just be like sending resources. You just send them, and they will work out what to do when they get there... If its your own city or an ally it will support, if it's an enemy it will attack. It makes a lot of sense... In fact the current system where your own troops will attack you own city makes no real world sense !

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Postby Pike7453 » Tue Feb 14, 2012 12:36 pm

Amen. Agree 100%

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Postby Vasasalo » Fri Feb 17, 2012 4:38 pm

Well, really no one will quit if it's not changed. And it doesn't truly affect the "quality" of the game. I would like to see it go too but only if the troops sent with or within the following 5 to 10 mons could turn into support.
On the flip side, as the admin pointed out, if they did do this it would kill all units except gaurdians. Noone would send anything that couldn't be strong at both attack and defense. So basically if they did this they could take out every unit except for guardians and noone would notice.

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Postby Vasasalo » Fri Feb 17, 2012 4:41 pm

Because I wouldn't send barbarians that are good attack but horrible defense if they switch to support. They would be useless. I would send gaurdians and nothing but. If you do do this, consider changing the stats of the units when their roles change. Aka an attacking unit would take a hit on defense. And a support unit would take a hit on their attack power.

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Postby Vasasalo » Fri Feb 17, 2012 4:43 pm

At the very least. If you take a city and another army is still attacking, have them reach the city and return without an engagement. For in reality, if I had 2 armies in real life and one sacked a city, the other when it reached there I would hope be smart enough not to attack each other.

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Postby Conan94 » Fri Feb 17, 2012 7:05 pm

It's called a game of strategy for a reason and chaos is a good strategy for small guilds. Don't get me wrong I can't stand it when I get a city to 3 points and they chaos it but it isn't any fun if there isn't a chance of the big guys losing.

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Postby Naita » Mon Feb 20, 2012 2:39 pm

Good points everyone .. Thanks ...I think choas is a system limitation that does create complex game play... But totally unrealistic game play. I think the game is enhanced by realism rather than artificial rules. I agree that chaos adds interesting complexity to the game and having to be careful about timing so you don't attack your own city alsoaddsknteresting complexity.... But both are totally unrealistic and seriously detract from the realism of the game.

Oh ... And a number of big players in my world are discussing leaving because chaos is just slowing the game down to the point where no one has the time to play.

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Postby Adagio » Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:02 am

Well Naita, there are many things in this game which are irrealistic/artificial, but which makes it interesting. For example, you instantly know when an attack will hit you, that in itself is strange, but moreover you can't know what troops are sent. This is totally irrealistic, but it's one of the funny aspects of the game. The fact that you can't recall attacks is another example.

As for the chaos, we all agree it should be removed, but there may be a technical necessity to limit somehow the number of attacks. If this limit can't be removed, then another idea would be to limit or forbid fake attacks. Why not, they add very little to the game anyway, are annoying and confusing, whether you send them or receive them, because they hide the reports on real attacks. And maybe that would free resources on the server's side and we would suffer less from lags and all the glitches.

Now, how to define a fake attack, that's another story. The simpler way would be to say that for any attack you have to use at least 10% of the troops of the town, period. But this would prevent sending *one* fake attack to an ennemy town, which is still an interesting possibility from a tactical point of view. So why not: if you already have at least one attack sent on the target, then you have to use at least 10% of your troops. By "you" I mean here a player, not just a town. Otherwise it's not really a limitation for people having a lot of cities.

EDIT: Naita I was actually answering your last post in p.1, I had not seen there was a p.2

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Postby Conan94 » Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:44 am

I agree that chaos should be thrown out but along with all other excellent suggestions it won't work out very well... I'll try to explain what I know and what I've heard.

Ok a website, game, etc are made of codes 0's and 1's and scripts so if they don't weave in new codes scripts etc then this game could and would basically unravel... And a patch isn't going to work all to well cause there will be more glitches and mess ups.

If the valor techs decide to get rid of chaos it will probably take a lot of time and then they will need to shut valor down to update it for a while.

Stark Bledfast
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Postby Stark Bledfast » Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:55 pm

If they aren't running a database, then I'd be quite surprised. If they have a database then they can run a script to update it to reflect whatever they want.

It isn't rocket science. ;)

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