How To Stun a Mid-Game player when you are mid game too!

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Postby Skippyflapjacks » Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:17 pm

DarthInsidious wrote:And this stun strategy isn't effective. When u say A LOT of ballistas, that's a huge waste of resources. It takes 3 ballistas to take down a rally point... So why not ram the crap out of his wall, destroy his troops, then take down his rally easily, without wasting 20+ ballis and more guards and zerks

very true, I prefer rams anyway, as you say less resources and less population needed.

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Postby Conan94 » Mon Feb 27, 2012 11:20 am

Lol there is no perfect strategy! I usually build 15k zerks and 200 rams then use a second city to scholar the place. There are benefits and setbacks to all strategies and if you have nothing but noobs around you there is a difference in what you need to do lol!

A tip for the beginning of a world--- If a player gains points faster than you think is possible and they aren't conquering other cities already they are most likely a noob and therefore they hardley have a army. I got a 30k city using one scholar and a 15k city because my noob neighbor had 250 of each defensive foottroop and nothing else.

Have a nice day,Conan

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Postby Eldorren » Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:14 pm

Guys, what level resource production units do you recommend before producing scholars? It seems to me that producing scholars pre-maturely when you don't have resources maxed at 30 is almost a waste since it ties up everything else due to the expensive production. My philosophy is that once you build a nice sized army, you should spend some time upping your resource production to max, because pre-maturely producing scholars at 150K a pop will lose me time over the long run than taking the time to maximize resource production.

Am I wrong on that? Did you guys start producing scholars at a certain point? So far, I've considered that end game play for single cities for those of us starting out. I rushed to build my academy, only to sit there thinking it was a waste considering my resources weren't maxed and I felt that I needed a more beefed up army. If you have a good protective guild, it seems that taking the time to maximize resource production is the best strategy before mass producing scholars for takeovers.


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Postby Asplundh » Fri May 04, 2012 5:12 am

Try this to prevent an enemy from dodging your clearing wave(s) and rallying to return and kill your Scholar waves: add three (3) Ballista to EACH wave (clearing and Scholar) and time them to hit the city no more than three (3) minutes apart, targeting the Rally Point. Few players can recognize the loss of the Rally Point AND get the order in to the City Hall to get it rebuilt before the next wave hits. Therefore, if he sent his troops to a nearby guild city to dodge the clearing wave(s) (I send two, sometimes three), he will be unable to recall them because his Rally Point is being destroyed every 2-1/2 to 3 minutes.

How do I manage such precise timing? Grab the free Battle Planner app.

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Postby Bl1ndFury » Fri May 04, 2012 5:38 am

Lol, good discussion. I like that there is so much variation in builds and attack styles from player to player. I would say the "targeting rally point" technique is most beneficial when an opponent is Clesring Wave dodger.

Another technique i didn't see posted here for stunning a player, is to knock the farm down a few levels. In a fight this will immediately kill troop production and prevent wall rebuild, and it takes a bit of time to rebuild the farm. The trade off, if you are conquering then you have to rebuild the farm.

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Postby Asplundh » Fri May 04, 2012 5:47 am

Eldorren - in the early game, I round-robin the City Hall, Warehouse, and the three resource engines, upgrading the Farm as needed to keep up with the growing city population working in the upgraded buildings. When they reach Lvl-15, I start the Barracks, Forge, and Stable. I tend to stop the City Hall at Lvl-25. I take the Warehouse and the resource engines all the way to Lvl-30. I take the Forge to Lvl-20 and both the Barracks and Stable to Lvl-15. When the Barracks and Stable reach Lvl-15, I start the Wall (maxing it out). Lastly, I build a Lvl-3 Workshop if I am only planning on building Rams; or a Lvl-5 Workshop for Ballista.

In my first city, I build Lancers, Sentries, Berserkers (Zerx), Scouts, Knights, and Guardians. Because I don't build rams or ballista in my first city, I forgo building the Workshop. On a 3-research world, I research Sentries, Zerx, Knights, and Guardians to Lvl-2. I build 1500 Lvl-1 Lancers, 3000 Lvl-2 Sentries, 4000 Lvl-2 Zerx, 300-500 Lvl-1 Scouts, 2000 Lvl-2 Knights, and 3000 Lvl-3 Guardians. Your defensive troops are the Lancers, Sentries, Guardians, and half the Scouts. The Zerx, Knights, and rest of the Scouts are your offensive troops. In a pinch, you can use some f the Guardians on the offense.

When I reach those troops levels, then I build an Academy. If you are conquering nearby barb cities no more than two hours away, you can get by with one Scholar. After you've capped three or four barb cities, you should be ready to build an Academy in your 2nd city. You can cap a city in four Scholar attacks, but you would be wise to plan on it taking five Scholar attacks.

Consider specializing subsequent cities. Defensive cities produce only defensive troops. Offensive cities produce only offensive troops. A Scholar and Scout city produces only Scholars and Lvl-3 Scouts (and maybe Lvl-3 Rams and Lvl-3 Ballista).

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Postby Asplundh » Fri May 04, 2012 6:18 am

If you want to paralyze an enemy, use 600 Rams to knock the Wall down, 300 Ballista to take the Farm to Lvl-1, 300 Ballista to take out the Warehouse, and another 300 Ballista to knock his City Hall down by half. He has a choice: take a week to build the Farm, Warehouse, City Hall, and Wall; and another week or so to rebuild his troops or abandon the city.

This is an excellent tactic when the risk of the enemy re-capping the city is unacceptable. Do this to a half dozen of his cities and you'll stop any offense he's trying to run c-o-l-d. It often lets you turn the tables on your enemy.

W venable
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Postby W venable » Mon May 07, 2012 4:19 pm

You can start building scholars when your resource buildings are in there 20s. It is smart to use your army to feed off of the surrounding barb cities (this makes me about 30k resources a day) does anyone know if you can take over barbs?

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Postby donut » Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:20 am

Aqa wrote:What? Attacking the rally point? What will that do?

I have heard that taking out the rally point disables the citie from defending it self. Can somebody confirm this??

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Postby donut » Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:27 am

W venable wrote:You can start building scholars when your resource buildings are in there 20s. It is smart to use your army to feed off of the surrounding barb cities (this makes me about 30k resources a day) does anyone know if you can take over barbs?

They are juat like any city. Barbs are cities of people that gave up their city. So yes, barbs are usually the first cities you would want to take over when you are weak. But after that when you have established a strong army, you won't want to take over barbs because the buildings inside them are next to nothing so you will have to build it from scratch.

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