World 32 map missing in one part

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World 32 map missing in one part

Postby Bapak » Sun Nov 20, 2011 3:10 am

I dunno what happened but my area I n world 32, all of it is plain barren land. There used to be a lot of cities there. But now, all I can see is barren land. I can still see my city though.. Do help me.. Is it a bug?

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Postby DanielJ » Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:14 am

Try to update
Then try to remove Valor and re install
If that doesnt work, then submit a request here(report the bug):
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Portal > ? (Question Mark - Upper right of the screen) > Support > Mail Icon
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Postby Kahu808 » Thu Jan 19, 2012 12:48 am

Reinstalling the game worked perfect. I had to delete the app from my iPhone. Then reboot the phone. Then I synced the phone. Valor does not load, which is good because then the cache data is wiped clean. Then go into iTunes and click on the iPhone, go across the top menu to apps and scroll down to Valor. Check the box for Valor and sync the phone. Now you have a fresh install. Then start the game app. it will connect to Valor Game System and download all new data. Your individual worlds, cities, maps, everything is now correct. its awesome. Since it is the first time for he new app to run, you have to go in and re set the settings for notifications, sounds, graphics, etc. But it works great!

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