Haha soooo..

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Haha soooo..

Postby Scruffy420 » Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:17 am

How do you move up in this world? I'm obviously new, started a couple days ago. Right now I'm just upgrading as often as possible trying to balance out between my resources and troops. Not quite sure what to do other than that. I attack barbarian cities but I'm stil unsure on how to conquer one. Also, is attacking a player who still hasn't changed their name frowned upon? Am I wasting troops attacking cities this early? If anyone is on world 51, hit me up, teach me your ways :)

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Postby Goldnagger » Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:55 pm

The concept of the game is dominance through conquering cities. Use the search button on the top right of the screen to search for more info about conquering cities.

You are on the right path by farming/attacking inactive cities for resources towards getting your academy. Because whoever puts in their time and caps their first city in a world will be taken notice in the ranks. And find yourself a good guild and read more threads in the forums, because most of the questions here are already answered in the past. At least that's how I started.

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Postby Scruffy420 » Wed Feb 29, 2012 10:03 pm

Alright, thanks for the reply.

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Postby Karzar28 » Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:59 pm

Hi scruffy420 would u like to join my guild? I just started this game a couple days ago too :) let figure this **** out together

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