"Fog of War" item to hide your attacking forces from the enemy (Part 1/2)

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"Fog of War" item to hide your attacking forces from the enemy (Part 1/2)

Postby Kaleel » Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:31 pm

I searched the forums for "conceal" and "hide troops" and the closest I found was this: http://forum.playmesh.com/showthread.php?1470-Troops&highlight=hide

... which is an novel concept of leapfrogging your attack troops from guild city to guild city until you are close enough to unleash them upon your target, but my suggestion is different, yet aims to achieve the same notion of "hiding" your attack troops from their intended target until a certain time:

Suggestion: Implement a "Fog of War" add-on that you could apply to your choice of attack wave before you send it towards against a target. This will allow you to hide your attacking wave from the enemy until the "Fog of War" lifts and your attacking wave is considerably closer. This gives you the advantage because it reduces the time that your target has to react (e.g., by sending their troops away to dodge the attack or calling in reinforcements to defend against it).

Procurement: The “Fog of War” crystals (yes, I arbitrarily assigned that icon) CAN ONLY BE PROCURED via gambling for it through the Fortune building. This means that you need amulets and luck. You cannot buy this item outright. You can, however, spend real money to buy gold, then use the gold to buy amulets, then use the amulets to try your luck for it. By limiting the acquisition of this item through chance, we limit the risk of abusing this feature (e.g., someone buying a whole bunch of it) while still making it available to the players without incurring a direct monetary cost. Also makes the players more diligent in completing the daily quest of gaining an Amulet and inspires greater use of the Fortune building.

Mechanism: Like the “reduce time” scrolls, the “fog of war” crystal comes in different flavors of effectiveness (shown below). The different levels are unlocked when you complete new Aurora’s quests such as upgrading various buildings in at least one of your cities:

  • Hide attacking troops for 1 hours ..... Default option, available to all (requires Rally Point).
  • Hide attacking troops for 2 hours ..... Unlocked when City Hall, Barracks, Stable & Forge are upgraded to Lvl 10
  • Hide attacking troops for 3 hours ..... Unlocked when City Hall, Barracks, Stable & Forge are upgraded to Lvl 15
  • Hide attacking troops for 4 hours ..... Unlocked when City Hall, Barracks, Stable & Forge are upgraded to Lvl 20
  • Hide attacking troops for 5 hours ..... Unlocked when City Hall is Lvl 25 and Academy is Lvl 1

The "fog of war" option is not limited to one specific city; like the “reduce time” options, it sits in the player's "bank" in that world and can be applied to any attacking wave that you send from any of your cities within that world. And you can procure multiple instances of each item which sit in your bank/cache, ready for use.

To apply the item, go the Rally Point and initiate an attack. At the Confirmation page, there will be a green button right above red "Confirm Attack" button, called "Apply Fog of War". Just like clicking on the "Speed Up" button in City Hall, clicking on this button will open up a new dialog window that lists the available types of "Fog of War" that you currently possess:

  • Hide attacking troops for 1 hours ..... <available quantity> ....... [Apply Button/Get More button]
  • Hide attacking troops for 2 hours ..... <available quantity> ....... [Apply Button/Get More button]
  • Hide attacking troops for 3 hours ..... <available quantity> ....... [Apply Button/Get More button]
  • Hide attacking troops for 4 hours ..... <locked!> ....... [Apply Button/Get More button]
  • Hide attacking troops for 5 hours ..... <locked!> ....... [Apply Button/Get More button]

If you haven't upgraded your city enough, then some of the versions will be locked. If you don't have any "Fog of War" crystals available for that type, then the "Apply More" button is replaced with the "Get More" button. Clicking on this "Get More" button will take you directly to the "Fortune" building where you can gamble for it.

Once you choose the "Fog of War" item allowable and have successfully assigned it to the attack wave, then you return to the Rally Point's "Confirmation" page, which now displays a new line underneath the "Arrival Time" (See mock-up below):

[BACK button] ................ CONFIRM .............. VT DATE/TIME .... [?]

ARRIVAL IN: ................................................. 00:01:30
FOG OF WAR: ............................................... 00:01:00

{the rest is the same as the existing screen}

Once you click the "CONFIRM" button and launch your troops, then your confirmation page shows two timers:

  • One count-down of when your troops will arrive on target.
  • One count-down of when your troops will be revealed and the enemy receives notice of an incoming attack.
So as long as the 2nd timer is still going, the enemy knows that attacks are incoming, but they don't know (1) how many attacks and (2) when they are landing. Once that 2nd timer runs out, then the enemy receives the formal notification of each incoming attack per usual. The only way for the enemy to figure out how many masked waves are hitting him is to be put into Chaos (see Chaos explanation below).

What the enemy sees: Instead of receiving the formal notification of the crossed-swords-on-a-shield icon showing the number of incoming attack waves, a different icon appears: that of a question mark imposed upon a cloud of fog (I'm just making these up -- I'm sure the developers can be more imaginative).

This is their only indication that they have an incoming attack. But they have no idea how many attacks (unless they are Chaos'd -- see below) or when it will get to them. And the enemy cannot use the the "Reveal Incoming Troops" option, because they would have to pick which wave to reveal, and the Fog of War indiscriminately masks all the waves as one. Instead, they just receive an error message saying, "You cannot permeate the fog of war."

[INDENT]I have 3x incoming attacks (the standard icon says so) but the "Fog of War" notification icon also appears. If I try to use the "Reveal Incoming Troops" feature, I am taken to the page where I have to choose one of the 3x incoming attacks. If I try to click on the "Fog of War" icon (which just sits at the bottom of the line-up) then I receive the error message stated above.

Note that the positioning of the "Fog of War" icon does not reveal its order in the list of incoming attacks. If someone has sent me 4x incoming waves that all have been masked with "Fog of War", I only see one instance of the icon.


How this works with the Chaos effect: Chaos allows a max of 40x incoming waves (defense or offense) to a target at any given time. If someone has sent 1x attack wave to you that is masked with Fog of War, then this will prevent you from receiving 40x incoming VISIBLE attacks (because one of them is currently invisible to you). So if your sister guildmates are exploiting the Chaos feature to protect your city, when they try to send the 40th attack, they will receive a slightly modified pop-up notice where Aurora says:

"You cannot send any more. This city is in Chaos. A fog of war surrounds this city."

... and that is a hint that someone is out to get you. (Muwahaha) However, this can work to your advantage to help determine how many masked waves are coming at you.


  • I see the "For of War" icon pop-up on my dashboard, along with a notification of 3x incoming attacks. I freak out and ask a member of a sister guild to put me into chaos. So he tries to send 37x attacks but it stops at 30x.
  • He receives the notices that "You cannot send any more. This city is in Chaos. A fog of war surrounds this city." He PMs me, saying that I am in Chaos.
  • My display only shows 33x incoming attacks, so this tells me that I have 7x incoming masked waves.
  • BUT -- I don't know when they are landing and I can't use the "Reveal Incoming Troops" function to find out.
  • 3 hours pass, and when I check back, the number of incoming attacks is at 40x. This means that the "Fog of War" function has expired on those 7x incoming waves. I can now use the "Reveal Incoming Troops" feature if I so desire, and warfare continues per usual.... except I lost 3 hours to adequately prepare and now I'm in a tizzy.
(continued below)
-Kaleel, casual gamer
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"Fog of War" item to hide your attacking forces from the enemy (Part 2/2)

Postby Kaleel » Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:33 pm

(Continued from above)


  • The "Fog of War" option can only be applied if the time masked is LESS than the march time of the wave which you are sending.
    • Your attack wave has a march time of 1 HRS 30 minutes
    • You try to apply the "Hide for 2 hours" Fog of War option.
    • An error window pops up, saying "Your march time is too short!" and takes you back to the "Fog of War" page, where you can choose another one or cancel.

  • Just like how you cannot stack the usage of multiple "reduce time" options on a building's construction time, you cannot stack multiple "Fog of War" instances upon 1x attacking wave.

  • You cannot use the "Fog of War" to mask troops that you send for defense (there's no point to doing so).

  • If you own the unlocked versions of the "Fog of War" and then you somehow become unqualified to procure more of the higher-level ones (e.g., your only city with a Lvl 30 City Hall was attacked and reduced to Lvl 28), then you are only prevented from procuring more of the upgraded/unlocked versions. The ones which you have in your bank remain in your bank, and are unaffected. In order to procure the unlocked ones, you would have to build your cities back up to requalify for the m.

  • You cannot retroactively apply “Fog of War” upon an attacking wave that you have already launched. The enemy already knows about it.

  • If you use "Fog of War" on an attack wave and then recall the wave within 15x minutes, you do not get to reclaim the "Fog of War" function. That instance has been used up.

This should spice up gameplay a bit.

-Kaleel, casual gamer
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Postby Vasasalo » Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:34 am

Probably would be better as a percentage of the travel time vs set hrs.

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Postby Kaleel » Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:40 am

@Vasasalo: That's a good thought. How about this?

  • Hide attacking troops for the first 10% of march time ..... Default option, available to all (requires Rally Point).
  • Hide attacking troops for the first 20% of march time ..... Unlocked when City Hall, Barracks, Stable & Forge are upgraded to Lvl 10
  • Hide attacking troops for the first 30% of march time ..... Unlocked when City Hall, Barracks, Stable & Forge are upgraded to Lvl 15
  • Hide attacking troops for the first 40% of march time ..... Unlocked when City Hall, Barracks, Stable & Forge are upgraded to Lvl 20
  • Hide attacking troops for the first 50% of march time ..... Unlocked when City Hall is Lvl 25 and Academy is Lvl 1
It solves the problem of not being able to apply a "Fog of War" option upon an attack wave because the march time is too short.

-Kaleel, casual gamer
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Postby Tooltip » Wed Mar 07, 2012 9:21 pm

How should Reveal Troops interact with Fog of War?

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Postby Kaleel » Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:09 pm

@Tooltip: I had a hard time trying to figure this one out, but the way that the "Reveal Incoming Troops" currently works is that you have to be able to select the specific wave you want to reveal. Well, "Fog of War" doesn't let the beseiged player know how many waves are coming at him, so technically, he can't use the "Reveal Incoming Troops" feature until the "Fog of War" dissipates on its own and his able to select a specific wave.

What the enemy sees: Instead of receiving the formal notification of the crossed-swords-on-a-shield icon showing the number of incoming attack waves, a different icon appears: that of a question mark imposed upon a cloud of fog (I'm just making these up -- I'm sure the developers can be more imaginative).

This is their only indication that they have an incoming attack. But they have no idea how many attacks (unless they are Chaos'd -- see below) or when it will get to them. And the enemy cannot use the the "Reveal Incoming Troops" option, because they would have to pick which wave to reveal, and the Fog of War indiscriminately masks all the waves as one. Instead, they just receive an error message saying, "You cannot permeate the fog of war."

To be clear, the enemy is still able to use "Reveal Incoming Troops" on incoming waves which are not masked by "Fog of War". See example below:

GIVEN: I'm attacking you. I send 10x waves at you but use "Fog of War" on 3x of them (doesn't matter which 3x for this discussion). This is what we see in our respective screens of RALLY POINT >> MOVEMENT:


[TD="colspan: 3"]Outgoing Troops[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Arrival In
[TD]Normal Icon[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Attack on {target name}[/TD]
[TD]Normal Icon[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Attack on {target name}[/TD]
[TD]Fog of War Icon[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Attack on {target name}[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]20% cloak: Fog lifts in:
[TD]Normal Icon[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Attack on {target name}[/TD]
[TD]Normal Icon[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Attack on {target name}[/TD]
[TD]Fog of War Icon
[TD="colspan: 2"]Attack on {target name}[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]50% cloak: Fog lifts in
[TD]Fog of War Icon[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Attack on {target name}[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]40% cloak: Fog lifts in
[TD]Normal Icon[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Attack on {target name}
[TD]Normal Icon[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Attack on {target name}[/TD]
[TD]Normal Icon[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Attack on {target name}[/TD]


[TD="colspan: 3"]Incoming Troops[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 3"]Arrival In[/TD]
[TD]Normal Icon[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Attack from {source name}[/TD]
[TD]<Instant Report>[/TD]
[TD]Normal Icon[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Attack from {source name}[/TD]
[TD]<Instant Report>[/TD]
[TD]Normal Icon[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Attack from {source name}[/TD]
[TD]<Instant Report>[/TD]
[TD]Normal Icon[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Attack from {source name}[/TD]
[TD]<Instant Report>[/TD]
[TD]Normal Icon[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Attack from {source name}[/TD]
[TD]<Instant Report>[/TD]
[TD]Normal Icon[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Attack from {source name}[/TD]
[TD]<Instant Report>[/TD]
[TD]Normal Icon[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Attack from {source name}[/TD]
[TD]<Instant Report>[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"][/TD]
[TD]Fog of War Icon[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Attack from ???
[TD]<Instant Report>[/TD]

... so if you are being attacked, you can still use instant report on waves #1-7, but if you try to apply it to the "Fog of War" wave, you get the error message stated above. And the reason I don't recommend disabling the Instant Report function on the Fog of War line is to avoid a bunch of people complaining to the helpdesk saying "The Reveal Troops icon isn't work properly, it doesn't appear on all incoming attacks, fix this."

After 1 hour goes, two of the shortest "Fog of War" durations will expire, so your screen will now show the following (the lines in blue represent which wave was cloaked by "Fog of War"):

[TD="colspan: 3"]Incoming Troops
[TD="colspan: 3"]Arrival In[/TD]
[TD]Normal Icon[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Attack from {source name}[/TD]
[TD]<Instant Report>[/TD]
[TD]Normal Icon[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Attack from {source name}[/TD]
[TD]<Instant Report>[/TD]
[TD]Normal Icon
[TD="colspan: 2"]Attack from {source name}[/TD]
[TD]<Instant Report>[/TD]
[TD]Normal Icon[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Attack from {source name}[/TD]
[TD]<Instant Report>[/TD]
[TD]Normal Icon[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Attack from {source name}[/TD]
[TD]<Instant Report>[/TD]
[TD]Normal Icon
[TD="colspan: 2"]Attack from {source name}[/TD]
[TD]<Instant Report>[/TD]
[TD]Normal Icon
[TD="colspan: 2"]Attack from {source name}
[TD]<Instant Report>[/TD]
[TD]Normal Icon
[TD="colspan: 2"]Attack from {source name}
[TD]<Instant Report>
[TD]Normal Icon
[TD="colspan: 2"]Attack from {source name}
[TD]<Instant Report>
[TD]Fog of War Icon
[TD="colspan: 2"]Attack from ???
[TD]<Instant Report>

... and so forth.

Does this help?
-Kaleel, casual gamer
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Postby Vasasalo » Thu Mar 08, 2012 4:56 am

I'd like to see scouts able to scout. Have the option to sacrifice scouts just like when going after a city. If the attacker doesn't put in enough scouts to kill yours then the fog of war would be lifted.

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Not sure what you mean about the scouts.

Postby Kaleel » Thu Mar 08, 2012 8:48 pm

Vasalo: I'd like to see scouts able to scout [...] If the attacker doesn't put in enough scouts to kill yours then the fog of war would be lifted.

...I'm not sure what you mean by that statement. I don't see how the "Fog of War" function prevents scouts from doing their current function (it's not like we can currently send scouts to counter-attack an incoming attack wave in order to perform espionage on that wave anyway).

Can you please clarify with an example or scenario to illustrate your point?

-Kaleel, casual gamer
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Fog of War only covers the 1st portion (based on % of time) of the march time.

Postby Kaleel » Thu Mar 08, 2012 8:57 pm

I thought this was obvious, but to avoid any misunderstandings, the "Fog of War" function ALWAYS dissipates before it arrives at the destination. It's primary goal is to mask the amount of incoming attacks upon a target UPON LAUNCH and render those waves immune from "Instant Reveal" for the 1st portion of the march duration. After that countdown runs out, the waves appear per usual and the defender has the option to use "Instant Reveal" if s/he likes.
-Kaleel, casual gamer
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Postby Vasasalo » Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:41 am

Right I know you can't send spies against an approaching army; however, if they I put the fog of war they should input a defensive counter hat you dont have to buy to keep it balanced. And this balance could be the ability to send scouts out to 'scout' the area where you can't see and report back if they have enough to survive.

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