Doubling attacks

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Doubling attacks

Postby Hannigan » Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:01 pm

I think the server is doubling my scholar attacks!
I launched 5 scholar attacks at one city. But I got 10 reports back! The first 4 lowered loyalty, the fifth conquered. Then I got 3 more conquers, 1 lowering, and another conquer.

Yesterday, I launched 2 scholars at a city. They both lowered loyalty. When they returned, I launched them both again. They both lowered loyalty again AND the both conquered!

This is ridiculous! I'm burning up scholars like crazy! And dice they are conquering, I can't just rebuild them. Playmesh needs to figure out why these scholars are register more than 1 attack from each scholar, and FIX IT! (please)

The world is Pandora.


Postby Orlor » Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:06 pm

Please contact our support team with that information. Please also include your login name and the coordinates of that city that was attacked 10 times. Details to contact support can be found in my signature.

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Joined: Sat Dec 24, 2011 7:35 pm
Location: Northern Virginia, USA

Postby Asplundh » Wed Mar 07, 2012 2:10 pm

LOL! A few days ago, I launched three Scholar waves at a Bard city so a co-crown with only one Scholar could take it in one or two assaults.

I captured the city with my 2nd Scholar! Someone else apparently hit the city a few days before me, but the Barb city hadn't had enough time to rebuild its Morale back over 30!

My co-crown left the guild and took it with one Scholar assault and then re-joined the guild.

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