Changes to Chaos on Worlds opened on/after June 6th

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Postby LordFirefall » Thu May 31, 2012 6:05 am

Dredalox wrote:If there is no chaos then give us something we can use instead. My suggestion is that you give us a function that will allow use to give troops to other cities this way weaker players can be supported by the guild in a more sustainable way. This will be limited by the size of the farm but this way it will give us a fighting chance. Also this will add more to the game than what we get from chaos and will allow use to build troop factories that can supply the frontlines. This in my humble opinion is more realistic as a war has always been this way and will give us extra gameplay like taking out supply lines and sacking production hubs. Just my opinion.

Another excellent suggestion to enhance realism. Are you listening PlayMesh?

King Linus
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Postby King Linus » Thu May 31, 2012 6:19 am

LordFirefall wrote:Agree on the server issues - they are not fixed. We ran a test yesterday to see what the new limits were and it took me 20 minutes for the game to unfreeze after some of those attacks landed.

PlayMesh claims chaos is unrealistic - so are many concepts in this game, most of them already mentioned here. Keep the game as is for current worlds and make the change for new worlds. These changes favor the kids living in their parents basements who do nothing but play games. Guess what PlayMesh? The folks that have the money to drop $20-60 a week don't have that amount of time - we have jobs! Little Johnny isn't going to spend cash, he will stay up all night to wait for one of his 15 attacks to land so he can send another. Good luck with your new revenue model if you go with your current plan.

Think you nailed it there.
I have a job, two kids and a life. I payed several 1000 golds in the beginning because it gave me advantages of course and I could afford it but had less time. I motivated my playing with that i just had to check in 2-3 times a day. Now I don't pay anymore since when you have over 30 cities it becomes too time consuming to manage them. In the beginning I used to set the alarm in the middle of the night and stuff but I just can't do that anymore. If you want guys like me (with money) to play you must make the game easy to manage. This change is in the wrong direction since chaos gave a certain moment of peace in your mind. Also the only way to help sister guilds and allies.

About realism and another thing making it hard to support, what about the fact that if I send lvl3 guards to support a city with only lvl1 guards, my guards also become lvl1??? So in fact they forget everything they learned and loose armor on the way. What were you thinking there?

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Postby Dongchen1 » Thu May 31, 2012 6:21 am

This change is a pain, but it's something we have to deal with. The most annoying thing is we had no notice! We are in the middle of an attack, launched half of the attack, then the system is not letting us launch more, meaning we have wasted the whole battle plan. We were told that it is delayed to go on live till 6th June. But for World 50, it is still not allowing us to send more than 15 waves. Please sort it out ASAP! Thanks!

Lord Hagar
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Postby Lord Hagar » Thu May 31, 2012 6:55 am

One suggestion: why not have the army in the final capping of a city be able to remain in the newly conquered city. In real life, no army would conquer a city, then turn around and head home. This way a newly capped city would have an army to defend itself from re-conquest by nearby enemies

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Postby figeloal » Thu May 31, 2012 6:56 am

They say they reverted it but it is NOT true, changes still in effect...

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Postby DMaster » Thu May 31, 2012 7:22 am

Thought it was going live June 6? Still screwed up!!! At least fix it until the announced launch date!!! Give members a chance to rethink tactics on some of their cities!

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Postby Defekten » Thu May 31, 2012 7:52 am

bad change!!!

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Postby Panistal » Thu May 31, 2012 8:10 am

It's about time! I've left 3 worlds (my money left those worlds too) because of having to provide chaos to guild members. That made the game a ch0re. Who needs more ch0res? (LOL, "ch0res" with an "o" is censored! That needs tweaking too guys) We need more fun! Chaos took all the fun out of it. It's not a realistic tactic anyways and never belonged in this game. What isn't realistic is the fact that support troops can't attack. When a kingdom sends troops to another kingdom they can attack! Kind of silly to put a restriction on that... Anyways... There does however need to be some kind of long term or lasting benefit for spending so much money in so little and short lived rewards. I have never seen so greedy of a game. It's worse than going to a fair/carnival. Sucks your wallet dry to the point of not wanting to return. When I buy a game I get to keep it forever. When I spend it here, it's gone once you lose your city. I hesitate to spend money because everything you spend can be lost in a matter of minutes. And would it kill you to up the wheel of fortune to something worth while? How about a few rewards that people could still use once they've gotten a few cities. 2000 resource is nothing once you've played a while. 15 minutes is nothing once your over 10k in points.. I don't even bother with it anymore. Totally useless once you've been playing a few weeks. Would it kill you to throw even a "5 gold" reward on there? Or a 2,4,8 hour building time reduction? C'mon, give us something to justify spending so much time on this game and money for those that do. I know you like the fact that this is a realistic game where you can lose it all overnight, but in the real world, when given the choice of where to put our money, most people will not take the chance of putting it where there is a chance of losing it overnight, every night...

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Postby Paddehatten » Thu May 31, 2012 8:22 am

I like this change. Caos is cheating if you ask me i used it my self many times having 30-40 city's under caos from friends far away while attacking others like crazy and taking there citys it's an unfair way to win a war. Guilds that know how to use caos all the time can't get attacked.

I would also really love it if you made it so we can buy scholarships in the mass recruit sektion.
When you have 200+ city's it becomes way to time consuming having to go to every single city just to buy scholarships.


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Postby worldbuilderlov » Thu May 31, 2012 8:28 am

I own a software company and have built online games so I understand both the principles of game design and the technical limitations you are trying to address. That said, I totally agree with the removal of the chaos exploit, yes it’s an exploit but one that became a necessity due to a key game play deficiency. I know many on this thread have touch on it but I will explain in my own words below:

Reasons for Chaos:
1) To block an abandoned city so you can conquer when you have scholars and time
2) To defend a newly conquered city until you can support and supplies arrive, where you can build a defense.

Justifications for Chaos:
I think we can all agree that #1 is just BS and should not be allowed. In real warfare, you can NOT block attacks so why allow it here. #2 is one that needs some game play changes. In real warfare, when a conquering army laid siege on a city they didn’t just bring their attacking units. They brought their support units, supplies, wife and kids, and the family pet… What would make this game more realistic is if I could designate resources and support units that can travel with each attack. That way if I conquer the city I can leave support and supplies to defend against reconquering attempts. And yes I know you can send the merchants at the same time as your attacks but that would only telegraph where the real attacks are being attempted. Here is my proposal along with an example:

Game Change Proposal:
1) Allow the attacker to include resources along with an attack that is appropriate given the haul capacity of the attacking units. This would allow you to have some resources to build a defense force in the conquered city.
2) Allow the attacker’s attack waves to be assimilated into the city after its conquered much like the scholar but still be reused to make further advancing attacks from the conquered city. This allows you to include support type units in the later waves of your attacks so you can defend and should you conquer with excess attack units, you benefit from having some attackers stationed in the conquered city for furthering your conquests.
3) If the attacker does NOT conquer the city, the resources being brought into battle are lost to the defender and the later support type attack waves will pay a heavy price in loses.

So an attack can look like this:
0-N clearing waves of attack units
4-5 scholar waves
0-N attacks with defensive units rather than attack units and carrying resources.

Some here have requested that you allow the supporting of any city, so they can time in their support along with offensive attacks. Though that is somewhat acceptable, I think it has that flaw of giving away where the REAL attacks are headed. If I see a train of support attacks heading my way along with some offensive attacks, I know then to funnel all support there. At that point the game becomes a game of out resourcing your enemy. No strategy no tactics, just pick a city and have all your guild mates funnel attacks there until one guild runs dry.

That is why I propose that support be incorporated into the offensive attacks and absorbed into the city as troops stationed there, if you conquer. This has the effect of allowing a well-planned attack at long distances to succeed, while allowing the poor planned attacks to be very costly, in resources, attack units and support units.

In my opinion, this makes the game more realistic from a warfare tactical perspective. In real siege warfare if you failed to conquer a city, the defending city would turn on your siege army and slaughter your support units and claim your supplies, once you lost the ability to attack.

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