Discussion for 2.0 Valor Changes

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Postby morningstar » Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:27 pm

When will competitions be available


Postby PwnLaw » Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:03 am

Anadrin wrote:So i'm a bit confused as to how this new competition system works. Is the 750 gold ACTUALLY the gold that buys you que-extenders and speed-ups? And are the coins only valid in the world you received them? Because I can see this easily becoming a problem with players joining every world just to get coins and use them on the overpowered stuff you can buy (as in.. Everything)

It's the real gold. These are bonanza worlds (infrequent high payout competitions that we hold in conjunction with major events). The "standard" competitions feature far lower payouts and fewer concurrent competitions. We certainly don't want people in the game purely to farm gold from competitions, but we do want them to be a fun bonus for the particularly dedicated in any given world.

As for the actual payouts on any particular competition -- we'll vary them a lot depending on a number of factors (number of players in a world, difficulty of competition, number of payout slots, etc.).

We thought bonanzas were a fun way to introduce a feature we put a lot of work into. :D

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Location: Denmark

Postby Bladnach » Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:49 pm

Sorry if this issue have been raised before.
The map 'update' is waste of time - load time!!
Since 2.0 you have to wait for the game to load map.
The clouds are nice to watch once - after that its just a pain. A game so 'slowly' do not want extra waiting time added by watching clouds. Really, cmon.
If that cant be fixed - please give us our old map back.
Founder of the Lord of the Drinks Guilds in World 49.
Visit our website at http://lotd-world49.shivtr.com/

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Coorinated Attacks

Postby Jake19redsox » Thu Aug 02, 2012 1:37 pm

Will you guys be making an option in the future where u can send an attack to hit at a specific time. For example, a clearing wave takes a lot less time to reach a city than a scholar wave does. So you would be able to make an attack that will automatically send at a certain time to hit when you want it to. This would make it a lot easier to attack from multiple cities and coordinate attacks with guild members without having to set alarms to remind you or wake you up in the middle of the night to send the attack.

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