Multi-City Management

Post here any ideas or suggestions you have for improving Valor.
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Postby Kindlarry » Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:38 pm

Are we any closer on this? I just can't do it anymore. 500 cities is to many obviously. But I'd like to finish out a world

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Postby MyName999 » Tue Nov 27, 2012 6:20 am

As I did already wrote:

There's some things I would like to see in new Valor versions:

1. A supplementary field for the cities, that would be shown in the cities list. Name it "Info". And maybe, try to enable the sorting either by cities names, or by this "Info" field (with priorities enabled). This field would be hidden for extern people, maybe just revealed if someone cap the city...

2. In the cities list, number of incoming attacks are shown! Perfect!!! Maybe add too the number of other incomings (support) as well as outgoing mooves (support and attacks sent).

3. In cities listing (again), add a button that sort cities by proximity from a selected city or coord (yeeeeeaaah, :-D)

4. In the game, to change, just give us a small notepad with possibility to add some ideas, to BB tag players, as well as guilds and/or locations.

Anyway, thx for the game and for everything you builded around!

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Postby Fire820 » Tue Nov 27, 2012 4:35 pm

Ok. Love the ideas here. I'll probably end up just repeating. But that would help drive the point home.

1. Scholarship buying. Whether in bulk or by having a fully maxed warehouse automatically buy, say, 3 scholarships, something needs to be done. I personally favor a mix of the two. Have a button that does a bulk scholarship buying. And automatically buy a couple but to bulk you must push the button.

2. Attacks. Not outgoing attacks but incoming ones. Put cities under attack at the top of the city list. And then when they're not under attack anymore put them back to where they were. This would save so much time. At only 70 cities it is such a pain to scroll through all my cities and find the ones under attack. Can't imagine what it's like for the ones that have 200 or 300 cities or more.

3. Filters. Let me just criteria which I can see my cities by. This of course would need tags. Let me filter by multiple categories too. Like attack cities in R12.

4. Tags. Let me tag my cities by difference criteria. Regions. Type of city - attack, defense, etc. Those would be the main two. But make tags customizable. Let me come up with my own categories and subcategories like attack, defense, etc.

5. Map. Whether it's by a zoom or just a larger map, I'd like to be able to see more of the map at one time. That way I can see where my cities are and can specialize accordingly.

6. On the map, I'd like to see all my movements from all cities. Attacks, supports, trades.

I realize that these probably won't be free which sucks because I am not a paying user (gold from competitions!). But maybe once someone hits 20 cities or 1 million points, it becomes free. Because, firefall, let's all agree. City management is not that bad until that point. Thanks for reading this long post. Lol

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Postby bobalon2000 » Tue Nov 27, 2012 7:30 pm

I would like to be able to hand sort my cities like holding your finger on the city and dragging it into a different space.
When the world was made Valor was meant to be, and so was food and bunch of communist wars and political things that I can't even pretend to understand.

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Postby Tanlash » Tue Nov 27, 2012 9:55 pm

Even the ability to colour code your own cities, so you can manage them your own way etc would be awesome

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Postby Br0wncoat » Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:00 pm

Summarizing comments but it seems top priority of changes would be:

Mass Scholarship buying or an "autobuy" feature.

Better notification system so it eliminates the need to spend time refreshing each city to see what's up.

Ability to see where all attacks are going regardless of the city you are currently at.

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Postby Kingjason666 » Wed Dec 19, 2012 1:38 pm

Simple you had the perfect system already. It was called auroras blessing. Stop trying to re invent the wheel. Just fix the flat tyre on it and get it back working again.
Before valor 2.0 auroras blessing was unreal. It showed all incoming attacks, city detail in groups of 10 and building troops in groups of 10.
Only thing it didn't do was allow you to mass buy scholarships.

Screw all these pretend upgrades ( really they are all downgrades) and get back to basics that worked.

Bring back auroras blessing

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Postby LordFirefall » Wed Dec 19, 2012 1:50 pm

I can't remember if I used it before 2.0, but I never liked the recruit function in Aurora's Blessing. You couldn't tell how many open slots you had for population or total troops assigned to the city. I did like the inbound attacks function though.

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Postby JudgeDredge » Thu Dec 20, 2012 6:16 pm

This is a good way for Valour to earn money ...people will pay for this.
Bring back something like Aurora's Blessing but not so laggy!
-Allow mass Recruit of troops
-Allow mass recruit of Scolars ( Like the Mass troop recruit!)
- Allow inbound attack funtion..

If you have this funtion as a premium item, players who spend gold will use this funtion as a normal
part of play, I hate the "Truce Button"
I can see how some players like this..
But we all what for the 24h to finish ...and pick up where we left off!
This could be inproved if the premium purchasing player could still move troops around
his own citys during this time? Or maybe thats a bad item..I've only used this option
once myself so I could sleep that night!

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Postby Aquisgran » Mon Dec 24, 2012 3:47 pm

What's the current situation of this issue?

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