Old Worlds come back?

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Postby Nataselur » Fri May 31, 2013 6:12 pm

I'm on the same page as those who miss the old worlds... I do think that the TBS change has resulted in an interesting new approach to Valor, but the problem lies in the fact that it is now the only approach to Valor. While Valor TBS is faster-paced, especially in the early game, its just not as epic, and that, in my mind, is what made Valor truly special. It is what made me play Valor more than any other game, even though i have a high-end gaming computer.

I took a break from Valor for several months because I found myself playing to the exclusion of almost everything else in my free time, and when I came back to Valor the only option was TBS. It would be nice to have the option to play in an occasional old-style world. TBS would have been ingenious as an additional feature on some or most worlds: smaller worlds where nerds weren't needed to cap barbs. But unfortunately, for now at least, TBS seems not an additon but rather a replacement. Not having the old option where the game was so intricate, so epic, and so requiring of teamwork that you would even form real-life friendships with guildmates and feel personal responsibility for the safety of their cities if they were, say, on vacation? That is a part of what made Valor a truly special game. Sure, the current TBS format is fun to play, and I am currently playing. But not retaining the old style of play alongside the new simply robs Valor of what made it so unique in the first place.

When I reinstalled after my break from Valor, I was a little nervous at first, afraid that I might get carried away again. Well, here I am playing, and enjoying it somewhat, but with this new TBS format being the *only* option, there's no danger of me playing the hours on end that I used to. I even used to spend gold sometimes because I was so invested in Valor, but with these new oh so much smaller worlds the incentive to spend gold just isn't there anymore.

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