Changes to Chaos on Worlds opened on/after June 6th

General topics and discussion on Valor.

Postby PwnLaw » Wed May 30, 2012 7:59 pm

Jeal wrote:Idk a lot who actually gather out of the games to strategise are also the ones spending real money. It's a double edge sword. Anyways if we can't chaos any more than y can't I send more attacks from my other cities, that should be the aim right? For us to be able destroy completely once it's declared war?!! With this It seems a ploy to get ppl to truce more hence spend more which is being done when ppl gather outside using real-time chat and give advice between guild alliance. If there can be no chaos then the more cities I have the more I should be able to attack that's only fair.

I can understand this perspective, but the change to chaos was a game play decision. We don't think chaos makes much sense -- that a bunch of tiny armies from friends would be able to disrupt the progression of an enemy juggernaut. We like that there will be a lot of strain and tension around newly captured cities, it heightens the stakes considerably.

Our honest view is that the best way to increase revenue is make the game as great as we can make it. Games that rely on short term gimmicks to gouge users do fine, but that's now what we're after. We want Valor to grow and improve over the years, and we think removing chaos is a step in that process.


Postby PwnLaw » Wed May 30, 2012 8:01 pm

Jeal wrote:Yes we know no one works for free, what we are saying is. The ppl who actually gather out find apps to chat on and strategise and pay money are the ones who use chaos. Those that don't just come to the forums and see if you guys can get rid of it. And you haven't answered if we can't chaos anymore. Than we should be able to send as much attacks and not be limited instead??!! I think you can see from the user names whose be spending $ seriously. I supported u guys if not for anything I was entertained not that sure now. If your revenue is not falling don't change the soup. Cos lost customers hardly come back.

Hey Jeal -- Suggestions like these are very helpful. I think you've made some very fair points about # of attacks and so forth. Our goal is to move toward removing almost all of these restrictions over time, but we didn't want to tank the servers in the process.

I will promise you this, all of the suggestions in this thread will be reviewed and considered by the design team. I want your participation in helping the game grow, but we'll need to do it without using chaos.


Postby PwnLaw » Wed May 30, 2012 8:05 pm

CT Eon wrote:Disregarding the factor of revenue I'm more just concerned about tactics now.

Besides chaos what other changes are there to even the playing field for the loss of it?...I'm trying to figure out exactly how to defend new cities deep in enemy territory since I assume we would still be barred from sending support to a city that is not a part of your guild. Unless that changes it would mean only combat over a short distance would be possible =\

Would morale also play a bigger role to support smaller players? Currently most smaller players would be squashed in a matter of seconds against huge players without chaos. What safeguards would smaller players have?

I expect that there will be some definite tactical shifts as a result of this change. Our expectation is that more warfare will occur between closer cities and it will be indeed more difficult to take out farther cities without increased cooperation from the players.

Smaller players will be at a disadvantage unless their guild is effective at protecting them. Frankly, smaller players will always be at a disadvantage in Valor -- it's the nature of the beast. I do think it's worth considering some of your suggestions on how things might be rebalanced. I've got a spreadsheet next to me and I'm documenting each thought out.


Postby PwnLaw » Wed May 30, 2012 8:07 pm

Delta wrote:I don't have a problem with chaos being trashed; however, I do find it being a pain only being allowed to send 15 attacks to a target city from the same member. What I'm saying is the creators want the strong to rise, but a player can only send 15 attacks at a city he/she is trying to take. This is very aggravating when a player has 100+ cities. It makes 85 cities useless. Why take away chaos and the amount of attacks a player can send to a target?

Delta -- Very fair point. I mentioned previously that the system we're deploying is designed to push us toward a chaos free world, but we are being cautious to make sure we don't trash the servers. We looked at the data and the number of people hitting your particular problem is fairly small so we hoped it wouldn't be an immediate inconvenience. That said, I'm going to push this particular point in the next meeting.

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Postby Joza » Wed May 30, 2012 8:09 pm

I lost a city because of the chaos


Postby PwnLaw » Wed May 30, 2012 8:11 pm

Bladnach wrote:If you get rid of Chaos - you must give us something else. Yes, I have spent money on this game, but I think it is too expensive. I could have bought a full game for each purchase - so greed is an issue here. Its fair to pay for a game - but constantly renewing a payment equal to Diablo III for each 1,000 gold - thats way to much, guys. You need to reduce price to 25% of that price - and you will see many more players will pay for the benefits offered.

The alternative to Chaos, as we know it - is a simple change. You need to make it possible to SUPPORT Allied. Why we cant - have no meaning. Why be Allied if you cant support - not even your Sister Guilds can be supported - and thats a huge problem if Chaos is gone. It must be possible to give support with troops to Sister Guilds and/or Allies.

I can see you are eager to throw everything you have build for months out of the window in a few hours. I am not - and forced to do it - will mean that I leave the game for good - and it would suck big time. Games like Valor should not end - but evolve.

And no way I gonna restart in another world.

PS:And WHEN do we get the option of sending a GUILD mail to every member in ONE go, and not one by one??

Bladnach -- We've been looking at gold pricing as well, and we recently repriced it to provide a bit more. We'll continue to look at the pricing curve to find the right medium. Our hope is that we can deliver real value for your purchases, but we certainly don't want to take the competition out of the game.

As for the guild message, we had hoped that guild chat would take care of this particular issue. Since it hasn't managed to fill that need, we've got something specced out that should be hitting development pretty soon.

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Postby Jeal » Wed May 30, 2012 8:11 pm

No chaos, and 30 attacks per guild anymore it'll tell u that there's too many simultaneous attacks. Whatever it is playmesh needs money to continue so no use hating ppl who do that, those who have strong guild alliance and take this game outside of it using chatapps to strategise will understand we are the ones that supports the growth. Small players that complain and don't grow are the ones who don't allied up with others and make it a more involving game.

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Postby LadyDelicious » Wed May 30, 2012 8:11 pm

Your promo rate from Mightbhikin - you might want to change that. Players from countries that aren't as affluent as others are handicapped now- chaos level up the field. Commanders were free and used in attack and defence.
How will removing the only free bonus players could use if they made an effort help?
Truce, Prestigue, combat medics, instant spy and reveal how we're these additions strategic apart from to your shareholders? What is your annual revenue btw?


Postby PwnLaw » Wed May 30, 2012 8:15 pm

StampX wrote:The changes sound all fine and good. As long as there are other changes. Luck and morale as starters. Dynamics in worlds already existing and well established will allow people to exploit this new change. When guilds own entire regions there are players who are at no risk. What's stopping people from marching 80-100 hours to attack people non-stop? Luck and morale should play a bigger role to adjust for the new change. For example a 100 hour march would lower morale and effect luck in a major way. The nuisance player with no natural enemies benifit the most by the change while the front line players get torn to sherds. Which is fine as long as other adjustments are made. Also will you allow more commanders into a city to defend? Say 5 people send 15 attacks to one city. 75 attacks and the city only allows 25 commanders as support. So is it very wise to change one thing without adjusting the other mechanics to compensate? One last thing, if you want more people to spend money give them more for their dollar. How many people are purchasing $5 packs every week? If you gave out more people would buy more. The first thing I noticed was it wasn't very much for the money. (world 24)

Good points StampX. I think there will be some balancing that occurs as a result of chaos leaving the building, but most of the mechanics should work well without significant changes. Thoughts like this are very helpful (particularly since I can take your post and put it up on the wall as evidence that my point is right. :D )

I've said a bit about the money side previously in this thread. We're looking at other options as well.

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Postby Ballisticfreak » Wed May 30, 2012 8:16 pm

I say how bout we stop playing this game entirely! Go on a strike until they put chaos back in...totally unnessesary to get rid of a basic strategy in the game.

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