Feedback on new Top Bar/Lack of arrows

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Postby JeniferDrake » Sat Oct 06, 2012 3:34 pm

I am playing on an iPad and have lots of real estate to work with, so the lack of city navigation arrows is unforgivable given this lack was cause for comment last time it was tried. There are now two ways to access the city list with the portal being the better way (I can still see the current city name from the portal view.) the button with three bars blocks the current city name, making it difficult to quickly move from city to city and this is a problem for the very active players. I play in every world that is accessible and I am active in 14. I have more than 300 cities scattered across these14 worlds and being able to navigate from one city to the next is part of what makes VALOR a fun game to play.
I also miss having troop count on the top bar. Now I have to go into each city to see the total troop count and this makes for more work in the game
The new report form has good points and bad points. It is nice to have mostly black printing on a light background. This makes the report much easier to read and is a good thing. Having to manually return from a specific report to the report listing may or may not be a good thing. I can see some value in keeping a report open while checking details on other pages. Having to manually update the report page each time I change from one city to the next is awkward and a step backwards in game evolution.
Thank you for keeping the game alive, please return the city navigation arrows, we do not need two ways to access the city list. JD

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Postby LordFirefall » Sat Oct 06, 2012 5:02 pm

Do a force quit on the app and restart it and you'll get your old top bar back.

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Postby NedlyMandingo » Sat Oct 06, 2012 9:55 pm

Awesome, the old top bar is back


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Postby ocpearce » Sun Oct 07, 2012 12:00 am

This new format sucks... I have to refresh ever time I try to see a report and I can't go straight to the bottom bar when it's up. Please change it back.

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Postby larlis » Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:14 am

Perhaps a minor issue but still inconvenient; when looking trough reports or mail in the latest update the clock becomes invisible. I want to be able to see the time and the report at the same time; sometimes having down the correct time on the minute/second is crucial for how to play it.

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Postby larlis » Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:22 am

As I got turned of by all criticism here and in guild I never downloaded that update. I did get a taste of it now though, at least the top bar before restarting the app and must say I agree with what has been said abt it: too small fonts, hard to see and YES the arrows, the arrows!! For gods sake!! LOL.
I did however really like the city list on the side and how you could search for your cities. However the list should start with the city you're at not the first city in the list (Ive seen several mention it here before). Also found it rather neat when you loaded more cities in the scroll list the older ones stayed there so you could have all your cities available in an instance.

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