Very disappointed!!!

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Joined: Thu Jan 24, 2013 4:34 am

Postby Wolf-Kingdom » Fri Jan 25, 2013 4:12 pm

Point taken, unlimited scholars are not wanted by design. But by design there are negative scholars wanted, so you can capture scholars by taking a city with scholars outside of it. Maybe the case we have nowadays is not what the designers wanted, maybe it is, have to ask them not me!
I didn't get the specifics how it is going to be solved, therefor my suggestion of a limit/cap of negative scholars similar to what we have with influence or loyalty caps per attack on a city. This way the original/design idea is kept alive and hundreds of negative scholars are not possible. I just have not enough experience to suggest a number for the limit/cap of negative scholars that would be reasonable. What is your suggestion? Or how would you solve this conflict of interests, cause there are different views to this and expressing our opinions on the matter can have an influence on how Playmesh/Quark implement a change in the game.

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