So this "Guild World" thing

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Postby DirtySouthATL » Fri Mar 15, 2013 6:20 am

For the love of all things holy take this to another thread!!!!!!!! This is NOT about spending gold.

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Postby LordFirefall » Fri Mar 15, 2013 6:41 am

DirtySouthATL wrote:For the love of all things holy take this to another thread!!!!!!!! This is NOT about spending gold.

It evolved into that, so rather than rehash everything in a new thread, I'm just following the progression.
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Postby LordFirefall » Fri Mar 15, 2013 6:43 am

Nikhil21 wrote:I'm not sure why you are trying to convince me that the time spent in a game can be equal to gold. No a market does not equal resource boosters, not even close. A market allows you to trade resources, for maybe a slight profit. Resource boosters give you instant extra resources every second. I'm not sure how much it is but it increases resource production by 10-20%. I'm trying to talk about a situation where I have a good spender right beside me in the game and me not being able to catch up. Speed ups help build the forge and other buildings, okay buying a lot of resource directly would be expensive but in the early stages even 1000 res is a lot.

And gold spenders aren't noobs with money, some of them are pretty good players too. In an evenly matched contest, all you need is a slight advantage over your opponent and gold gives you that and much more.

I haven't seen you in any of my worlds but I'm assuming you have won a world too and are in the guild world. So tell me, how much gold will you be planning on spending?

I play one world at a time, and I'm currently finishing W95. So I'm not there yet. If I were, yes, I would be spending gold.

I realize you may not like gold, but consider this. Valor has no ads. You are getting this game for free. Your game time is financed by the gold spenders you want to limit.

Put it in the context of your job. You work 52 weeks a year. There are two weeks when you always get overtime, because business triples. How would you like it if a non-paying customer (or one that barely buys anything) came in and demanded you still work during one of those busiest weeks, but do it for free? Or that you work overtime for normal pay, or work overtime and only get payed for a straight 40 hours? How about if that same person came in and demanded that all customers be limited to what he's willing to buy (which is less than the average customer buys)? How thrilled would you be at that....

0r try this one:

"I'm sorry sir, I realize we have a Porsche on the sales floor, and you have money in hand, but it wouldn't be fair to the customers that can't afford it, for us to sell it to you today. Please come back next week"

While it seems outrageous, that's exactly what you're asking Quark to do. Guild World and W100 are those two weeks from my example.
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Postby Aethlstan » Fri Mar 15, 2013 7:44 am

Both sides of this argument are 100% correct. Firefall is correct that quark needs to make money. Nikhil is correct
that gold is somewhat of an unfair advantage in early world uber competitive play.

Firefall is correct that rich people with busy lives use gold to compensate for time they cant play the game. However, I have played with a guy who is the CEO of 4 companies and is a very busy man, yet only spent his gold (to my knowledge) on instaspy, queue extender, and reveal incoming. He was one of the biggest, fastest growing players ive ever met, even though he was very busy with work. It is possible to be busy in Real Life yet still be competitive in the game. Hell when I worked 10 hr days with absolutely no access to my phone during work, I was still able to keep up, and my guild covered my ass when i was at work. Im not a heavy gold spender.

As for allowing gold users to spend gold during competitions and competition worlds, thats completely asinine. I completely understand that its a huge advantage for Quark to make money. But if I was running Quark my competition worlds would be either gold-limited or gold-banned. Some of the biggest gold spenders are those who can be on 20 hrs a day. How is that fair at all? Its not. People who play with skill get destroyed by those who spend gold.

Example: World A11. Guy spends gold as well as having the added advantage of starting with 2 cities due to a glitch. His guild goes to war with my guild, filled with first time players that I am teaching how to play. My guys are using what I taught them and their natural talent while this guy is completely clueless and is spending gold out his butt(rate of growth required
Speed ups) Not sure how many in his guild were spending but they got big ridiculously fast. It was impossible for players using skill and no gold to overcome agressive gold spenders early in the game. We managed to bloody their nose and gave them a tough fight for 3 weeks but when you can cap cities and use gold to get them to troop building stage quickly, you eventually overcome any defender much less 16 :p eople fighting for their lives.
A11 was a competition world. Gold users won the top tiers of the competition, then came and destroyed everyone else. It was the perfect example of why competitions in valor are a complete and utter joke. It rewards gold users for spendig their way ahead of everyone.

If you guys want a fair and balanced world, dont go to the guild world. Quark will never put a daily cap on how much gold you can spend each day, even in the interest of balanced gameplay. "Competitions" are just money earning strategies and "guild worlds" are just competitions on steroids (=more money for quark). Gold users will spend way more gold than they usually do.

Stick to the low profile worlds and you wont have to deal with that.

Firefall, before you say that most gold spenders dont spend enough to get that far ahead, at least on android, they do. Its been a while since I roamed the IOS worlds but I remember a plethora of gold spenders there as wel.

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Postby LordFirefall » Fri Mar 15, 2013 7:58 am

Good points. I don't play android, but on IOS, there just aren't enough extreme gold spenders to affect my folks' game play. I play with an older crowd, and about 75% of us use gold, to an extent. However, none are out of control with it. Most recognize that their gold use supports, and helps improve a great game.
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Postby Aethlstan » Fri Mar 15, 2013 8:15 am

I wont deny that buying gold is a great way to support quark. I buy gold from time to time and in my years on this game i might have spent about $100 total. Not sure how many coins that is but I have never spent more than $25 per world. Some people blow through $25 in one day.

In the interest of fair game play, i think there should be a leveled limit on how much coins you should be able to use per day. I wouldnt be the one to establish the limits but maybe somethink like this

Day 1: 100 gold per day

Week 2: 200 gold per day

Week 3: 300 gold per day

Etc. These numbers probably dont make much sense but they outline my idea. Keep in mind that the limits should fall in line with about how much you would need to spend to stay competitive if you are completely offline for 16 hrs each day. That way those that cant be online that much can stay competitive but those online all the time shouldnt be able to get that far ahead of the non gold spenders.

This is something I honestly could never see Quark implementing. But it would be a way for them to show their players they arent entirely greedy and they do understand the desire for balanced competitive play. After all dont they claim to be gamers themselves? They are pulling all the dick moves that they themselves know that gamers hate, because they are gamers themselves.

To compare this to another game, Battlefield 3 lets you buy all the upgrades. So a level 1 player can stsrt out with all the guns unlocked and all the upgrades for the vehicles unlocked. As you can probably guess, this allows unskilled players to use the bull**** weapons without at least earnig them first.
I know thats not an exact comparkson but maybe it helps illustrate the point the non gold spenders are trying to make

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