Titles and no incetive

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Titles and no incetive

Postby Slashu » Wed Aug 14, 2013 4:35 pm

I believe quark should give some incentives to earning certain metals. Long term loyal players spent enough coin to win worlds and titles and continually have to pay to play at a competitive level. Mainly GW I'm talking about. Cause once you have resource boost and q extender on let's not beat around the bush it's a huge advantage and annoying playing the game without it. When it feels like you have beat the game. If you do give incentive for these titles I can even see gold spending ramped up to achieve these title.
GW TITLE GOLD PLUS OTHER BASIC GOLDS LIKE LORD OF DECAPOLIS ... Gets you q extender. Maybe resource boost also if quark feels frivolous.

Once your in a couple hundred or more you wanna keep your competitiveness but to continue to pay for these privileges is annoying and turns your loyal players away.
Tod winners 3000g for like 20 hours of play time. Winning worlds ex specially guild world priceless. I mean 300 g.

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Postby Slashu » Wed Aug 14, 2013 4:36 pm

Btw I know I sadly can't spell.

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Postby Benfrom300 » Sun Aug 18, 2013 7:52 pm

the people who pay a ton for gold, and even the ones that dont pay a ton and only spend 200-500 a week are part of the reason this game is free to play. also, i have played worlds with alot of gold and i have played worlds with no gold. the bottom line is that you cant buy skill in this game, and skill will always get you further than gold will in the long run.
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Postby Slashu » Mon Aug 19, 2013 10:46 pm

Actually technically by growing faster aka spending money brings you more skill by having more practice with more cities than a non gold user. However there are more skills involved in this game other than growing fast correct. All im saying is the gold spenders have been an asset to the development of this game. However quark play mesh doesn't seem to show much appreciation to those who have help fund there game in the beginning and along the way. Other then proudly keep displaying the buy button. Of corse they deserve credit with the awesome new barb graphics and toc ( minus the terrible lag). And listening to there players about creating the Titan world which they deserve a pat on the back for.

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Postby Slashu » Mon Aug 19, 2013 10:56 pm

But I strongly believe that there needs to be ways to earn q extender and resource boost. For playing without these in competitive world is painfull. But to push the buy button gets old. And yes if you do complete the challanges to get the incentives for free than quark can have a lofty admin fee if you decide you want the privilege to suport the game and play with the added perks. If not continue to play for free without them. For the amount of new flowing traffic should help bring in cash flow and still keep the old boys around more. And you will still get your mo out of prestige and truce.

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Postby Ryski » Tue Aug 20, 2013 6:50 am

I thought the reward was winning your world and earning some of the more difficult medals. It would be nice to see the return of competitions and the rewards that you could earn. But Quark did hold a tournament for top ranked players earlier this year and gave away over 4000 US dollars and 3 iPads.

A good suggestion would be to open a world where all gold spent is added to a pot, like in poker. Quark takes their cut and the rest is divided among the winning guild. But there are several fixes I would like to see before a new world type.

The prizes are clearly defined before the worlds open. If you don't think the prizes are worth it then save your money.

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Postby sancheezy » Mon Dec 09, 2013 4:57 pm

A way to solve this would be to do as many other games do and have a dual currency system. Have gold and Quark Points (QPs) ;) . QPs would only be earned by playing. They could then have something like 5% boost to resources for three days for QPs or the ability to queue a 3rd building by utilizing some QPs. It wouldn't be the full blown premium item but some lesser degree of these.

This way people can save up their QPs for a world that really matters or they want to play very competitively.

I am not the biggest fan of dual currency but think it may be a solution to what you are mentioning and reward long term players to some degree.

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Postby Benfrom300 » Tue Dec 10, 2013 4:35 am

sancheezy wrote:A way to solve this would be to do as many other games do and have a dual currency system. Have gold and Quark Points (QPs) ;) . QPs would only be earned by playing. They could then have something like 5% boost to resources for three days for QPs or the ability to queue a 3rd building by utilizing some QPs. It wouldn't be the full blown premium item but some lesser degree of these.

This way people can save up their QPs for a world that really matters or they want to play very competitively.

I am not the biggest fan of dual currency but think it may be a solution to what you are mentioning and reward long term players to some degree.

why do all your ideas seem to favor players who arent new to the game? how are the new players ever going to keep up with the top dogs this way? seriously...
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Postby sancheezy » Tue Dec 10, 2013 2:57 pm

Benfrom300 wrote:why do all your ideas seem to favor players who arent new to the game? how are the new players ever going to keep up with the top dogs this way? seriously...

Again, do you actually read the posts before typing something? It SERIOUSLY seems like you do not. The title of the post is "Title and no incentive". The poster was asking for ideas on rewards for people playing for a long period of time not on ideas on how to get new players to the game.

I mentioned an idea that was something related to his post rather than you trolling and again not actually helping or thinking of anything creative.

It seems you have a common theme in this thread as well, answering the question you want to answer and not actually answering or helping with the issues being asked. You may want to consider helping people out with their inquiries and actually providing a thoughtful comment every once in a while...although that might be a bit of a stretch for you...

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Postby Benfrom300 » Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:34 pm

You do realize I was referring to your quark points idea right? You said players can save these up for future worlds... That's not a good idea. And it favors the players that have been playing longer. Gold purchases are available to everyone. The choice is theirs to buy it, or not. They don't need another currency.

I'm not trolling, I state my opinion. Which as you've stated, is what the forums are for. As for not helping out and providing thoughtful comments, keep in mind, you are the only person I have had to argue with over the forums and you called me a fanboy on a post I no longer am going to read, ill leave it at what firefall said, I'm no fanboy and infact I'm one of the most outspoken guildmasters. You like giving your honest opinion but shooting down others honest opinions.

Who's the troll?
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