Changes to Chaos on Worlds opened on/after June 6th

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Changes to Chaos on Worlds opened on/after June 6th

Postby starhammer » Wed May 30, 2012 5:47 pm

We messed up. A few hours ago, changes to Chaos went live prematurely with no advanced warning or explanation from us. For this oversight, we sincerely apologize. We know that these changes may have led to unfortunate circumstances for players who rely on it as a core component of their strategy. If you have suffered losses due to these unannounced changes, please submit a support ticket so that we can take care of you and make things right.

Even though these changes to Chaos were not intended to go live now, changes are indeed coming. The fact is that Chaos is an exploit. Regardless of whether or not it has become a mechanic that some players rely on, it seeks to deliberately take advantage of server limitations. We have since resolved the limitations that once made Chaos a necessity. What makes Valor special and sets it apart from other games is the persistent vulnerability of players. You are always at risk and you have to rely on your allies for constant support and protection. Chaos invalidates this notion and soon it will be much more difficult to exploit this tactic.

One week from today on Wednesday, June 6th, the changes to Chaos will go live. They will be preceded with an announcement along with further details to help you understand the changes. Again, please accept our apology for this mistake.

In short:

- We’re sorry. We know that we screwed up.
- Chaos is an exploit and it will be changed.
- These changes will go live on June 6th.
- If you were affected by these changes, please contact support.

[color="#FFFF00"]6/5 UPDATE: Remember that these changes will go into effect on any Worlds that open on or after tomorrow, June 6th.[/color]
To submit a support ticket, please visit the following link:

"And when Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer." - Hans Gruber, Die Hard


Postby PwnLaw » Wed May 30, 2012 6:10 pm

Hey Folks,

Looks like we boned the launch, which I'm pretty unhappy about, but hopefully we can get that fixed up for the people who took a hit.

I wanted to spend a second to talk a bit about our thinking on the chaos issue. We initially put in chaos because of some of the technical obstacles that accompany having an intensely multiplayer game on a mobile device. As a general matter, we pretty much hate chaos. When we created the game, it was our hope to create this magical universe of brutality where the strong/crafty/insomnia afflicted players would rise to the top. Frankly, we made that choice because that's the type of game we've always wanted to play. The fact that all of you seem to enjoy it as well has been a huge and very welcome surprise.

Valor isn't going to be for everyone. The fact that you can lose your entire city from a few minutes of careless play is pretty big frickin' deal. But we felt having meaningful consequences in the game would make it more interesting, social and competitive. We wanted everyone battling everyone else all of the time with everything on the line. We feel that chaos really undermines that aspect of the game. We recognize certain strategies have developed around chaos, but they make us sad. :(

We want epic moments. We like that nothing is ever safe. Yea, it's pretty frustrating sometimes, but it makes the victories that much more awesome. Knowing that I can get destroyed at any moment makes the victories that much sweeter. We hope that's how you feel about the game. We really don't want to make baking game.

Feel free to hurl abuse and thoughts though. I think we can agree we released the update in a pretty suboptimal fashion, but we're gonna stand by the decision to make the changes to chaos (next week).

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Postby gemini0019 » Wed May 30, 2012 6:23 pm

Well, it is after all, your creation. And may be a loss of income for a while. However, may more will come and never even know what chaos was. Good luck with the actual launch. Hail and kill!

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Postby gemini0019 » Wed May 30, 2012 6:24 pm

P.S. I've already deleted my chaos room. I'm happier already!


Postby PwnLaw » Wed May 30, 2012 6:27 pm

gemini0019 wrote:P.S. I've already deleted my chaos room. I'm happier already!

And for that, I give you a heart.


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Postby HighlordRunge » Wed May 30, 2012 6:28 pm

Yea sounds good....but let's not play like numbers and dollar signs doesn't matter here. If those were your true intentions why not get rid of all advantages? You know the kind you have to pay for?
Getting rid of Chaos won't attract nor will it keep players playing. Quite the contrary in my humble opinion. Shorter life spans in game and the destruction of the reason behind the social interaction will result in the dwindling of players. Revenue will dwindle chaos will be back and i will say "I told you so". My predicition :-)

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Postby Jeal » Wed May 30, 2012 6:32 pm

Idk a lot who actually gather out of the games to strategise are also the ones spending real money. It's a double edge sword. Anyways if we can't chaos any more than y can't I send more attacks from my other cities, that should be the aim right? For us to be able destroy completely once it's declared war?!! With this It seems a ploy to get ppl to truce more hence spend more which is being done when ppl gather outside using real-time chat and give advice between guild alliance. If there can be no chaos then the more cities I have the more I should be able to attack that's only fair.


Postby PwnLaw » Wed May 30, 2012 6:33 pm

HighlordRunge wrote:Yea sounds good....but let's not play like numbers and dollar signs doesn't matter here. If those were your true intentions why not get rid of all advantages? You know the kind you have to pay for?
Getting rid of Chaos won't attract nor will it keep players playing. Quite the contrary in my humble opinion. Shorter life spans in game and the destruction of the reason behind the social interaction will result in the dwindling of players. Revenue will dwindle chaos will be back and i will say "I told you so". My predicition :-)

Definitely can't pretend that revenue isn't a factor. We tried to make the game subscription based early on and it was a pretty massive fail. Ultimately the engineers won't work for free (they're funny like that). We even tried paying them in Magic: The Gathering cards, but they wouldn't budge.

We had a pretty rigorous debate about chaos and there were some pretty good points on both sides, including the one you raised. Ultimately, we decided wanted to make the bet that more competition was better than less. Maybe it's the wrong bet, and I fully expect numerous posts explaining in excruciating detail how wrong we were if that's the case.

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Postby LordBrevik » Wed May 30, 2012 7:00 pm

Constantly at risk, call a "Truce" .

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Postby LadyDelicious » Wed May 30, 2012 7:04 pm

Buahaha touché LordBrevik
Stop ramping it up Playmess - Revenue is your reason.
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