Scholar Costs

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Scholar Costs

Postby mkincai1 » Wed Nov 30, 2011 1:29 pm

I agree that scholars should be the most costly troops that we create, but having this escalating scholarship requirement is a little riduculous. As it stands it cost the players approximatley 90,000 in resources to build thier first scholar, the next one is 130,000.

I would suggest that ir be changed to one scholarship per scholar and not this escalating model. That way it still keeps is costly to aquire these units, but would increase game play.

I can tell you that some players will get frustrated with the current settings and stop playing.

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Postby LeoGetHi » Thu Dec 01, 2011 12:23 pm

I just made my second academy thinking that I could educate a scholar there for 1 scholarship as the exculating cost is getting silly. But oh f@@king no unlike we're you have to research everything over to get them in your conquered city here Valor move the goalposts and you might as well no have bothered going through all the time and expense of creating your second academy. Wtf Valor put this info in plain freaking sight. That us it for me enjoyed the game but to buggy and bad help files mean it is a waste of time

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Postby Lordroy1985 » Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:53 am

I understand where you guys are coming from but give the game time. In a few weeks building scholars and cities will be cake. No more farming because your resources per hr is in the 6k range ao scholars only take about a day to make. Also more academies make it much easier because scholarships made in ANY city goes to the total number. I.e. three cities with academies maxed out can get you at least 2 scholars a day.

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Postby aaronnorth » Fri Dec 02, 2011 1:43 am

As above, there becomes a crossover point were you have that many cities on max resource output you can educate lots of scholars instantly. The first few are a bit of a struggle, but that's part of the game! With 100 cities, you can buy 1200 scholarships every 5 days.. ;) and that's based on the slowest max output at 4k/hr

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Postby Frost » Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:15 am

I understand the need to keep escalating the cost of scholars. However, I don't understand why a scholar costs 50k of each resource but the scholarship cost different amounts of each resource. I believe a scholarship should cost 35k of each resource.

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Postby Nol » Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:55 am

I can see your point, but it honestly soon becomes irrelevant. I've currently got 120 fully maxed cities, with a force of 30 scholars in reserve to attack other players. I generate over 400 scholarships per day, which equates for me to just over two new scholars per day. If resource costs were lower, or didn't go up by one every time, large players like myself would quickly swamp everyone else and be pretty much unstoppable! Personally I think a lot of time and effort went into this game mechanic and they've got it just about right! Lord Nol - Iron Knights

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