Can't beat a cheater!

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Can't beat a cheater!

Postby Dazzy » Mon Dec 29, 2014 6:05 am

Can YOU send scholars from the SAME city to land at the EXACT same time?
NOT from different cities, but .... FROM THE SAME CITY?!

The answer is no!
No, no, no, no, NO!

And yet it's done!

I've seen the SS. It's happening in 485.

And before you even start to argue over this as (another) valor glitch, then the answer is STILL no! I've see SS with a difference in escorting troops. It's NOT a glitch with the same attack 'just being launched twice'. It's foul play. It's cheating!

And yet the owners of valor does NOTHING! Absolutely nothing!
I do not care who owns Valor or that it's was sold while this cheating issue was reported. I do however care that this cheating behavior isn't stopped ASAP!



Postby Orlor » Mon Dec 29, 2014 4:36 pm

Anytime you believe someone might be cheating please be sure to contact our support team at .

Be sure to provide as much info as possible about it and it will be looked into.

I believe I know what you are referring to in this post and that one is already being looked into.

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Postby Dazzy » Tue Dec 30, 2014 1:58 am

I know you know, what I'm referring to.
I know you've had many support tickets regarding this issue.
I know it's being discussed in kakao rooms.
I know you've been provided with a video that proves a different matter, multiple hits from DIFFERENT cities.
I know you've looked into this issue for weeks. Weeks!

What I don't know, is why this hasn't been stopped ASAP!

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Postby LordFirefall » Tue Dec 30, 2014 5:40 am

Orlor wrote:Anytime you believe someone might be cheating please be sure to contact our support team at .

Be sure to provide as much info as possible about it and it will be looked into.

I believe I know what you are referring to in this post and that one is already being looked into.

I know of at least one unanswered ticket dealing with this very topic...
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