Why wait 'til next update?

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Why wait 'til next update?

Postby neil1963 » Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:44 pm

I understand that the current problem relating to Valor constantly crashing will be sorted out when the next update comes out.

What date is that due?

Since this is such a serious problem directly impacting on players enjoyment and, therefore, likely continued future usage of the game, I would have thought that this was a priority issue which cannot wait that long.

If Valor developers disagree with me, they are simply wrong and need to think again.

You cannot and should never simply ignore the issue and hope it will go away.

Just how many players, both current and potential, are you willing to lose before you take massive action? ... And, equally importantly, just how much bad press are you willing to risk? Google the issue and you will a number of references online already...and I'm sure this is just the beginning...

Wake up and smell the coffee...before it's too late!

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