Forget about W100. Fix your bugs first

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Forget about W100. Fix your bugs first

Postby BigStuM » Fri Oct 12, 2012 2:34 am

Look let's get smart here. Push back the start of W100, you have more pressing matters. The bugs in this game are tiresome. Here is only a selection of the current irritations, most of which I have been submitting tickets about for months with no resolution:

1) Repeated conquering:

When sending a four (prestige) or five wave scholar train from one city to a city occupied by an inactive or a barb, the schols repeatedly cap over and over. Your previous advice to leave the waves with at least a one min gap between doesn't work. I've lost countless scholars through this, complained and been compensated. Been complaining for weeks about, where are your engineers with finally fixing this?

Missing attack reports:

Spent two hours last night, clearing a 50k guard city, all attacks calc'd, with scholar trains in the final wave to cap. Woke up this morning to check and the final attack reports are missing and the city is now in chaos. Conversely some of our guys have not had defensive reports and lost cities with little or no warning, nor footprint of attacks. Again, you guys know about this but do nothing.

3) Medics and Prestige:

Despite paying for this premium this fails to be effective, particularly exasperating on long range conquering.

So come on guys, put the party hats away and concentrate on getting the basics right first.

Posts: 24
Joined: Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:38 pm

Postby PainfulHump » Sat Oct 13, 2012 4:11 pm

Yes I agree 100%!

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