List of Features Players Want Prioritized

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List of Features Players Want Prioritized

Postby Aethlstan » Mon Oct 29, 2012 12:38 pm

I know there are a few missing features threads out there already, and i know that everyone wants all the features NOW, but that simply isn't realistic.

So, I thought this thread would be a useful tool for Playmesh in deciding which features should be prioritized for release onto Android. When posting what you want, please take into consideration that the current ios version is well into Version 2, and that a lot of the features on that version are currently far out of our reach as android players. iOS to Android transfers can be tricky and obviously the difference in operating systems is giving playmesh some trouble.

I'll start off:
I think the most important features to work on are the ones already released. Some of these are broken. The ones I would most like to see fixed:
1. Tags. Currently its pointless to post guild tags in the forums or a message because they dont work. Guild tag functionality is something you take for granted on iOS and something you dont realize you rely on until it doesnt work
2. Forums. Please work on getting us full moderator powers on our forums. Its unbelievable how messy things get when you dont have the option to delete or edit posts
3. Leaderboards. I know these aren't broken, but they are incomplete. I dont know if regional boards and guild boards were added in a later iOS version than the current version we are on, but as with guild tags, guild leaderboards are another tool you never knew that you relied on. They dont need to be advanced, I would be happy without regional boards and just the guild boards. You don't need to add KSA, KSD, or KST, but being able to see the guilds as listed by city count would also be a useful feature.

Please continue the style I have started. Post your requests in the numbered format followed by the reasons why you would like to see those features improved or added next, as I have done above. Remember, Playmesh values our input, so be polite and thorough.

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Postby redrum1380 » Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:42 pm

I would like for us to be able to support our allies. For some of us, the member limit means we need to spawn sister guilds. These guilds contain players that we would like to support, but we cannot.

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Postby redrum1380 » Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:53 pm

Here's a thought: Give 100 gold to any forum member that submits an idea that gets implemented by you. You might get more entries in this forum.

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Postby SiRob » Tue Oct 30, 2012 7:47 pm

Idea 1. enable competions its a major disadvandage in worlds where you play against ios.

Idea 2. Allow lore if you don't already. Without it we rely on others to share their info.

Idea 3 . This is minor but Bookmarks would be handy.

Also all of the above comments I also feel should be fixed.

I'm currently in world 100 (and I have to thank you for at least letting us join.) And I'm worried I will lose ground on other players if you don't bring Android up to speed.

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Postby Aethlstan » Fri Nov 02, 2012 8:25 pm

Im not sure if its related to the guild tag issue, but the guilds listed on the diplomacy page dont take you to the corresponding guild. For example, in A1, if you click on diplomacy for hvav2 it will take you (or me at least) to hvav1. Sometimes it takes me to a completely different guild- the tag armyO1 for example. Thats a one man guild we dont even have diplomacy with If its the same problem as the guild tag issue, well then i guess it will get fixed when the guild tags do. If not well then i guess its another issue to be solved :)

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Postby LadyQ » Sun Nov 04, 2012 12:24 pm

1. The Forum edit issue is probably most important, in my opinion. I realize scalability is the priority at the moment,and as an ios player I'll take Luominosity's advice and do my best to introduce enthusiastic new players to the exciting world of Valor-- however it's a little difficult when you can't create a proper Education thread.

Some observations on the other side of the coin:

1. Wow. Android version is way faster than ios. The pages reload quickly, no waiting and waiting (and waiting) for attack confirmations, maps, mail reloads, etc. Hoozah.

2. It crashes occasionally, yes, but not nearly as much as ios. You can get in, send attacks build some troops and get out, or sit there all day dicking around the game if you want. Either way, no real crash issues which is awesome.

As we all know, playing the game of Valor in and of itself can be an exercise in patience. It will come, and we are looking forward to it. Thanks guys for letting us know you're working for us.

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Postby Poppie » Sun Nov 04, 2012 3:15 pm

I noticed posted location in bb is more difficult and sending tripwires out was a problem, I couldn't scroll down to attack/support

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Postby Aethlstan » Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:57 pm

I know a solution to the cant scroll dowb problem: if you have a next button, click that until the screen moves down enough for you to see the buttons, or click your way down the text boxes.

It seems that the way inputing troop amounts is coded right now you either have to select all your troops with the select all button or you have to manually select each box, either with your finger or the next button

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Postby Poppie » Mon Nov 05, 2012 6:50 pm

That should work Now I'm thinking about putting [coord and \coord] in war room so ppl can copy and paste

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Postby Aethlstan » Sun Nov 11, 2012 11:37 am

Please also work on giving captains and generals the appropriate powers due to their rank. Currrently giving someone the captain rank is meaningless, and generals only have the invite power.

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