Raise Resource Limt

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Raise Resource Limt

Postby Leroyingo » Thu Jan 31, 2013 5:07 pm

I know there has been some talk going on about grouping cities to be able to select groups of cities to then be able to purchase scholarships or make troops more easily when you have hundreds of cities. What about a resource limit change? Increase the warehouse level-35 or just change scaling of each level to 30? and create a new limit of say 1.5million. I say this number, as 1 week of 8k an hour resource production is 1.34m, that way you wouldnt need to scroll through all your cities every 2 days, also after launching attacks you could que up all troops to pack out town rather than every day going back and queing more. It would allow much more time to play the game and attack others rather than city scrolling, and could be much easier for programmers change the old worlds?

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